Scenes on an RAF Bomber Command Station as Halifax bombers take off to attack the German industrial city of Dusseldorf, Germany on the night of 11th June 1943
A bomber station in Britain from which great Halifax planes of RAF Bomber Command leave with their loads to take part in the systematic Allied campaign to wipe out German centres of industrial
RAF Beaufighters attack oil storage tanks at Sadaing Tank Farm, Yonangyaung, Burma. World War Two
A Royal Air Force bombing attack on Akyab, Japan. Picture is a direct hit on the jetty. On the right is a 1, 700 ton supply vessel sunk in shallow water by the RAF in an earlier raid
The Central Telegraph Office in London through which more than a quarter of the total telegraph traffic of Britain passed, was totally destroyed by fire on the night of 29th - 30th December
A Messerschmitt 110 goes down in flaming pieces before the massed fire power of the Flying Fortresses of the American Eighth Air Force in their attack on the ball-bearing factory at Schweinfurt
An attack on oilfields at PloieEti by US 9th Air Force Liberator bombers. 1st August 1943An attack on oilfields at Ploiești by US 9th Air Force Liberator bombers. 1st August 1943
Aerial photograph showing damage to Pforzheim by R. A. F. Bomber Command. February 1945Aerial photograph showing damage to Pforzheim by R.A.F. Bomber Command. February 1945
Reconnaissance view of a U-boat construction yard in Wilhelmshaven. December 1943
Heavy damage to Kassel after an R. A. F. raid. Pictured, five fires still burning amongHeavy damage to Kassel after an R.A.F. raid. Pictured, five fires still burning among the buildings of an imitation leather factory of Wachstuch and Kenstledenwerke. 4th October 1943
The results of an 8000 lb bomb dropped in a suburb of Berlin. Circa 1944
Aerial photograph of the R. A. F. attacks of the bomb damage inflicted to the DeutzAerial photograph of the R.A.F. attacks of the bomb damage inflicted to the Deutz and Kalk districts in Cologne. Pictured, further extensive damage to the Nippes railway workshops (top)
Attacks by RAF Bomber Command caused extensive damage to Stuttgart, the most important industrial town in Southern Germany. October 1944
Reconnaissance photograph taken after the attack on Hanover showing the damage caused by incendiaries. October 1943
Reconnaissance photograph made some time after the Eighth Air Force attack of the 24th August shows the V-2 Rocket plant at Weimar almost completely destroyed, the radio factory severely damaged
Latest RAF reconnaissance photograph shows that Cologne is still clearing up after the May 1, 000 bomber raid. Barges being used to clear away rubble and debris form the dockyard area in Cologne
US bombers wreck Japanese held railroad centre in French Indo-China
Blasting Germans on far side of Rhine river. Smoke arises in Kehl, Germany. Circa December 1944
Section of Peenemunde showing heavy damage to an aircraft research and radio location establishment
Heavy bomb damage in the Stieglitz area near the Friedenau Station in Berlin after recent raids by the R.A.F. September 1943
Results of R. A. F. bombing on the Mitelland Canal near Gravenhorst. 22nd February 1945Results of R.A.F. bombing on the Mitelland Canal near Gravenhorst. 22nd February 1945
Aerial photographs taken after R. A. F. Bomber CommandAerial photographs taken after R.A.F. Bomber Commands heavy raid on Nuremberg on the 8/9th March 1943
Air reconnaissance photograph of the road and rail bridge between Kaiserlautern and Darmstadt, Mannheim, which will be of great strategic importance in the battle of Germany. December 1944
Mosquito bombers attack the Stork Engineering and Diesel Works at Rengelo, Holland
Aerial reconnaissance photographs showing bomb damage taken since the attack on Osnabruck on the night of 17th August 1942
The Kanalhafen area of Osnabruck before the heavy RAF attack on the night of 17th August 1942. August 1942
Air reconnaissance photographs of the bridges serving Epinal and Karlsruhe, which will be of great strategic importance in the battle of Germany. Strasbourg. December 1944
Aerial reconnaissance photo of one of the Rhine bridges. Pictured, Bingen, the bridge serving Koblenz and Kreuznach, which will be of great strategic importance in the battle of Germany. December 1944
The Union Rheinische Braunkohlen Kraftstoff A G Synthetic Oil (Bergius) Plant at Wesseling put out of action after air attacks. July 1944
R. A. F. bombing damage to Leipzig. Pictured, very severe damage among the buildingsR.A.F. bombing damage to Leipzig. Pictured, very severe damage among the buildings on the site of the famous Leipzig Worlds Fair
Reconnaissance photograph taken after the attack on Stettin industrial targets
R. A. F. reconnaissance photos of bomb damage to submarine yardsR.A.F. reconnaissance photos of bomb damage to submarine yards and naval dockyards at Wilhelmshaven
U. S. A. A. F. Liberators and Flying Fortresses bomb Berlin. March 1944U.S.A.A.F. Liberators and Flying Fortresses bomb Berlin. March 1944
A reconnaissance photograph, taken weeks after a bombing raid on Huls by Eighth Air Force Flying Fortresses on 22 June 1943, shows damage inflicted on a synthetic rubber factory. July 1943
At the Focke-Wulf 190 aircraft assembly plant at Oscherleben heavy damage can be seen in this picture taken a few days following the attack by Liberators of the US Eighth Air Force on 11 April 1944
R. A. F. attack on a suspension bridge in Cologne. RAF reconnaissance photograph takenR.A.F. attack on a suspension bridge in Cologne. RAF reconnaissance photograph taken after the attack of the 28th October showing the large Highway suspension bridge which was completely demolished
RAF reconnaissance photographs showing bomb damage to the Kalk and Deutz districts in Cologne. Pictured, the badly damaged Franz Clouth rubber works at Nippes. July 1943
R. A. F. reconnaissance pictures of bomb damage to WilhelmshavenR.A.F. reconnaissance pictures of bomb damage to Wilhelmshaven
Bomb damage to the Humbolt-Deutz works at Kalk in Cologne. July 1943
Searchlight interference above Cologne. This picture taken during a night raid by the R. ASearchlight interference above Cologne. This picture taken during a night raid by the R.A.F. shows the effect of searchlights, fires and flak bursts. 1. The Hindenburg Suspension Bridge 2
An air reconnaissance picture showing a bridge over the Rhine in Dusseldorf, connecting southern Holland and the Ruhr. December 1944
An air reconnaissance picture of one of the Rhine bridges which will be of great strategic importance in the battle of Germany. Pictured, Bonn, the road bridge serving Aachen and Central Germany
Heavy bomb damage to the Mariendorf district in Berlin. Pictured, the Aska Niawerke A. GHeavy bomb damage to the Mariendorf district in Berlin. Pictured, the Aska Niawerke A.G. premises in the Mariendorf district
Night photograph taken from RAF bombers while making a heavy attack upon Munster, Westphalia. 1. No Flak, no searchlight. At least 25 small fires are burning in the area of the main railway station
Damage inflicted during four successive raids on the industrial centre and Baltic supply port of Rostock, home of the Heinkel works, by the RAF on the nights of April 23-26 1942. 1
The main ammunition depot at Mariensiel before it was almost completely destroyed in the RAF bombing raid of 11-12 February 1943. February 1943
The German city of Mainz more than three months after the RAFs heavy raids of 11/12 and 12/13 August 1942
British air raid on Cologne, Germany. Circa June 1942
Damage clearance at Rostock, seen a year after R. A. F. raids. April 1943Damage clearance at Rostock, seen a year after R.A.F. raids. April 1943
An air reconnaissance pictures of one of the Rhine bridges which will be of great strategic importance in the battle of Germany. Pictured, Speyer, the road bridge between Mannheim and Landau
RAF hits German supply line to Holland. Pictured, bomb damage to rails in Munster
Smoke rises from a German town under assault by of the 10th Armoured Division, 3rd US Army. 28th March 1945
View looking down Oxford Street in Swansea, South Wales after three nights of heavy bombing by the German Luftwaffe in the blitz of the city. 24th February 1941
The remains of a bus, destroyed in Stepney, East London following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe in the Blitz. 15th December 1940
Scene showing the salvaged equipment of a burnt-out hospital in Weston Super Mare following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe during the Second World War. 28th June 1942
A dog rescued from a destroyed building by Air Raid Precaution wardens (ARP) following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe in London during there Second world War. 14th October 1940
Scene showing considerable damage to the front of a bus following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe during the Second World War. 18th August 1940
Bomb damage after an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe on Avonmouth on the night of 25th November 1940, during the Bristol Blitz in the Second World War
Bomb damage in central Bristol after an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe one the night of 24th November 1940 during the Bristol Blitz of the Second World War
These little pigs investigate the bomb crater in their orchard following an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe on a farm in South West England during the Second World War. 9th August 1940
Bomb damaged Castle Street in central Bristol the morning after an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe on the night of 24th November 1940 during the Bristol Blitz of the Second World War
Firefighters tackle a blaze in Kings Street, central Bristol following the Good Friday air raids by the Nazi German Luftwaffe, one of the major assaults of the Bristol Blitz. 11th April 1941
Bomb damaged Park Street in central Bristol, after an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe on the night of 24th November 1940 during the Bristol Blitz of the Second World War. 25th November 1940
Bomb damage in Bristol after an air raid by the Nazi German Luftwaffe during the Bristol Blitz in the Second World War. Picture shows: Bomb crater in a residential area of Bristol. Circa 1941
Bombs from a Whitley aircraft destroy a U-boat in the Bay of Biscay, throwing up a column of water. June 1942
New Zealand Fa pilots down a Junkers 290. 23rd March 1944
London Blitz, Police, Firemen and Troops search wreckage, June 1942. Sunday Pictorial Published Picture 07/06/1942
Reconnaissance photograph of the centre of the German city of Brunswick following an attack by RAF Lancaster bombers on the 14th October 1944
All the large cooling towers at the at the Bohlen Synthetic Oil plan near Leipzig were partially destroyed
Twenty three buildings and installations at the Marseburg Synthetic Oil plant, 20 miles west of Leipzig were damaged during the attack by the US 8th Air Force heavy bombers on the 20th July 1944
Cutting the neck. Heavy high explosive concentration of bombsCutting the neck
Bombs on Bergen. Striking at German supply lines just behind the battle lines. US 8th Air Force bombers attack rail marshalling yards at Bergen, Germany
Night raid on Brunswick by Bomber Command. 14th October 1944 Brunswick with its streets clearly illuminated by the light of many fires and thousands of burning incendiaries bombs dropped by the RAF
On 6th September 1944, aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attacked Eden in force
Raid by heavy bombers of the American Eighth Air Force on two important targets in the German occupied town of Brest, Brittany in Western France
Mosquitos attack Hague Target. By pin-pointing, attackingMosquitos attack Hague Target
An oil blaze started by Beaufighters of the RAF in an attack on Thegon pump station some miles north west of Moulmein near the month of the Sittang River in Burma
Bombs from United States Army Air Force Flying Fortresses falling on the German occupied aerodrome Abbeville. 24th August 1942
Picture taken during a very successful attack on an oil storage tank at Sadaing Tank Farm just south of Yonangyaung, Burma, by RAF Beaufighters. Five storage tanks originally stood, on this site
A severed pontoon bridge on the River Rhine, taken from a height of 600 ft during a reconnaissance mission over Germany. Circa October 1939
A reconnaissance photograph taken by the Tactical Reconnaissance Group of the 9th Air Force of Duren, Germany
The Luftwaffe going up in smoke following a fighter sweep by P51 Mustangs of the US 8th Air Force over German airfields on the 16th April 1945
Polish pilot attacks train from low level in northern France. October 7th 1942
RAF Beaufighters over Burma have been hitting hard and often at important Japanese supply and transport targets. Picture shows: A goods train between Thazi and Pyawbwe is attacked by a Beaufighter