Air photograph of Hamburg on the day of its surrender. This picture was taken by an RAF photographer three minutes after surrender time. The city was devastated, apparently deserted
R. A. F. bomb damage to Hanover. Here civilians loot the rail yards. 11th April 1945R.A.F. bomb damage to Hanover. Here civilians loot the rail yards. 11th April 1945
Bomb damage to Queens Street in Central Cardiff after an air raid by the German Luftwaffe. 3rd March 1941
View of bomb damage to the interior of St Anthonys church in South East London, after it was struck by incendiary bombs of the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the capital. Circa 1941
Alice Mitchell rescued, her kitten from a bombed house after an air raid by the German Luftwaffe on Cardiff. Circa 1941
Train bombed by R. A. F. fighters during Second World War. 18th October 1942Train bombed by R.A.F. fighters during Second World War. 18th October 1942
Intermittent showers (of Allied bombs) likely throughout May. And here, four 1, 000 pounders are shown on their way to another Nazi target in the Western area
More bombs plummet target wards o to the underground storage depot at Derben, Germany, as U.S.Eighth Air Force heavy bombers attack several vital sources of Nazi oil. 14th January 1945
Bombs from United States Air Force Flying Fortresses falling on German occupied Airdrome at Abbeville/Drucat. The attack made August 19th 1942, was part of the Allied operation against Dieppe
Flying Fortresses of the U. S. 8th Air Force escorted by SpitfiresFlying Fortresses of the U.S. 8th Air Force escorted by Spitfires, made a daylight attack on Fives-Lille Steel and locomotive works at Lille on 8-11-1942
More bombs drop toward the Chateaudun airdrome in France June 14th, as B-24Liberators of the U.S. Eighth aF continued to support ground troops by making enemy airdromes unserviceable. 14th June 1944
Photo taken from a A B-24 Liberator bomber of the 15th US Air Force, about three weeks before its surrender to Allied Forces, shows the air filled with flak bursts as the Allied aircraft turn away
This unusual picture shows the tail assembly and part of the fuselage of a B-26 MarauderThis unusual picture shows the tail assembly
Lockheed P-38 Lightnings of the Eight US Air Force, hover over Flying Fortress bombers during their first operational flight as the Stratosphere Sentinels of the Bomber Command. November 1943
Flames burst from the wings of a B-26 Marauder of the ninth US Air Force, after a catastrophe occurred on its mission attacking Nazi military targets at Wittlich, Germany. January 1945
This US plane received a direct hit over Debreczen rail yards in Hungary, but the crew were able to bring her back to base
B-24 Liberators of the 15th US Air Force, shown in formation near their target, a German aircraft assembly plant at Bourges, south east of Orleans, France. 10th April 1944
A B-24 Liberator of the 15th US Air Force, comes through an intense and accurate flak barrage over Vienna, trailing smoke on its flight home following a bombing mission on enemy targets
A B-24 Liberator bomber of the 15th US Air Force flies over the battered city of Bologna, Italy after dropping its bomb load on military objectives during an attack in October 1944
B-26 Marauders of the ninth US Air Force cross the French coast in the early morning light to strike yet another blow at a Nazi military installations in the Pas De Calais region. April 1944
B-26 Marauder medium bombers of the ninth US Air Force, flying over the Alps mountain range on their way to bomb enemy targets in South Western Germany. January 1945
A silver B-26 Marauder medium bomber of the ninth US Air Force, shown at its base in England. May 1944
A B-26 Marauder of the ninth US Air Force, one of a formidable force which struck at a Nazi military objective in Northern France on 9th May 1944
A B-26 Silver Streak Marauder of the ninth US Air Force, unloading its bombs over Torigni, France which lies behind the battle lines
Versatile A2 (Havoc) light bombers of the ninth US Air Force which have been operating from England for several weeks, winging their way toward the continent to again blast Hitlers Fortress. May 1944
RAF Liberators of Strategic Air Force, Eastern Air Command, bomb bridges on Burma-Siam Railway, Our Picture Shows... the bridge near Kalawthut, the span of the bridge completely demolished
Ostend was attacked by R. A. F. bombers on 3. 10. 41 and bombs are seen bursting o oilOstend was attacked by R.A.F. bombers on 3.10.41 and bombs are seen bursting o oil storage tanks and port installations just south of the inner harbour. 7th October 1941
Attacks on the South East by Dive Bombers at Folkestone, Kent. The lifts at Folkestone with the bombs falling in convoy on the sea behind. 26th August 1940
Rescue workers looking for survivors following a Nazi raid, Alric Avenue, New Malden. September 1940
Photograph taken during a daylight raid on the Renault automotive works at Le Mans, France, by De Havilland Mosquito B Mark IVs of Nos. 105 and 139 Squadrons RAF
The last moments of a Dornier Do217 over Dieppe on 19 August 1942, as recorded by Sergeant Helge Sognnes of No 331 Squadron
R. A. F.s smashing raid on the French Krupps, Bomb Damage at Le Creusot. 1R.A.F.s smashing raid on the French Krupps, Bomb Damage at Le Creusot. 1. Destruction of the south end locomotive machine shop. 2. Four-bay shed totally destroyed. 3.Direct hit at north end shed. 4
Heavy aircraft of R. A. F. Bomber Command - Stirlings, HalifaxHeavy aircraft of R.A.F
A Avro Lancaster B Mk I of No. 5 Group, flying at low-level over the French countrysideA Avro Lancaster B Mk I of No
Action picture made during a successful attack by flying Fortresses of the U. SAction picture made during a successful attack by flying Fortresses of the U.S
A photographic-reconnaissance image taken by No 106 Photo Reconnaissance Wing of the RAF over the SA des Pneumatiques Dunlop rubber factory at Montlucon, France
On the 4th August 1943 Marauders of the U. S. 8th Air Force rounded off ten days ofOn the 4th August 1943 Marauders of the U.S. 8th Air Force rounded off ten days of attacks on German installations in France by leaving the shipyard at La Trait in flames
Low-level photographic reconnaissance photograph taken by No1 PRU Squadron following the special low-level daylight raid by Avro Lancasters of No
The German aircraft factory of Liore Et Oliver at Velizy-Villacoublay in France, blanketed by smoke as bombs dropped by U.S. 8th Air Force Fortresses find their mark
R. A. F. raid on Valona. A salvo of bombs can be seen bursting on the militaryR.A.F. raid on Valona. A salvo of bombs can be seen bursting on the military settlement and numerous craters give ample evidence of previous attention. A. Bursting bombs. B. Concentration of M.T
Allied attack on a chemical factory in Licata, Sicily. 30th November 1941
At least 36 bombs explode during a successful raid on the docks at Den Helder in Holland by RAF Ventura planes on the 23rd of December 1942
Two Douglas Boston Mark IIIs of RAF Bomber Command making a low level daylight attack on the the Royal Dutch Blast Furnace and Steelworks at Velsen, near IJmuiden, on 27th November 1942
Large volumes of smoke from the south end of the Stork Engineering and Diesel Engine Works in Hengelo, Holland
Bombs and incendiary devices explode during a successful raid by Marauders of the Ninth Air Force on the important Nazi railway freight yards at Haine St Pierre, Belgium
Dense clouds of smoke billow from fires which are gaining a firm grip on the Philips radio valve works in Eindhoven after a successful raid by nearly 100 light bombers of the RAF on the 6th of
Two bombs explode during a low-level attack on Stork Engineering and Diesel Works at Hengelo, Holland, by RAF Mosquito aircraft. 23rd October 1942
The Philips radio valve works in Eindhoven almost completely obscured by smoke after a successful raid by nearly 100 light bombers of the RAF, codenamed Operation Oyster. 6th of December 1942
The target area of the docks at Den Helder in Holland just before a successful raid by RAF Ventura planes. 23rd of December 1942
Attack on the marshalling yards at Reims, German occupied France by heavy bombers of the American Eighth Air Force on 30th May 1944
These close-up photographs of Paris were takes from an aircraft of RAF Coastal Command which flew over the French capital city. They establish the roof-hopping" height at which the pilot flew
Marauder B-26 medium bombers of the American Ninth Air Force struck a telling blow at the transportation system of Hitlers war machine when they successfully bombed the railway yards at Hirson
In a daylight evening attack, a force of Lancaster Bombers of RAF Bomber Command attacked dry docks and naval shipping at the German occupied port of Le Havre in Northern France
The scene as heavy bomber aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attack German position around Le havre in Nazi occupied France. Circa July 1944
Evidence that two ammunition trains were destroyed during an attack by Halifax aircraft of RAF Bomber Command on railway yards at Vaires, 15 miles east of Paris
Photograph taken during an attack by bombers of the US Army Air Force on an Atlantic U-boat base at St Nazaire in German occupied France
RAF Bomber Command attack upon the railway yards at Aulnoye in German occupied Northern France on 27th - 28th April 1944. Photo shows: Aulnoye railway yards after the recent attack. 28th April 1944
A column of smoke rising several thousand feet in the air over Busigny in occupied France after bombs released by B-26 Marauders of the American ninth Air Force plastered the railroad marshalling
On 18th February 1944, a Mosquito wing of the RAF Second Tactical Air Force carried out an attack on the prison at Amiens in an attempt to assist more than 100 prisoners to escape
Aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attacked a needle-bearing factory at La Ricamarie, near Clermond, Ferrand, France, on the night of 10th - 11th March 1944
The Gnome Le Rhone aero-engine works at Limoges, France before it was attacked by a small force of Lancaster bombers of RAF Bomber Command during the Second World War
Aerial photograph showing extensive damage to the Gnome Le Rhone aero-engine works at Limoges
Photograph taken during a daylight attack on the steel and engineering works of the Cie Fives-Lille, and the locomotive, carriage and wagon works of the Sec
B-26 Marauder medium bombers of the ninth US Air Force attack an important road intersection at Torigni, France
RAF Lancaster bombers attacked a large ammunition dump at Maintenon, 40 miles south west of Paris on the night of 30th April - 1st May 1944
Smoke of varying colours from fires and explosions wings upwards from the marshalling yards at Liege, Belgium
During daylight aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attacked the railway station and sidings at Hazebrouck in enemy occupied France
Attack by B-26 Marauder Medium bombers of the US Ninth Air Force on the Seine River highway bridge at Mantes-Gassincourt in German occupied France, 20 miles west of Paris
Operation Jericho 18 De Havilland Mosquito of No. 140 Wing, 2nd Tactical Airforce, RAFOperation Jericho 18 De Havilland Mosquito of No
An attack on enemy strongpoints around Le Havre, Northern France on the afternoon of 10th September 1944 by aircraft of RAF Bomber Command
Aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Gnome Le Rhone aero-engine works at Limoges
Photograph taken during an attack by Boston aircraft of the Lorraine French Squadron on the Mir De Bretagne transformer station near Guerledan, Brittany on 26th August 1943
German air raid on the city of London during the Second World War. Clearing up wreckage and rubble from devastated buildings on Addle Street following the raid. Circa 1941
A reconnaissance photograph taken after a major night raid by a mixed force of United States Air Force and RAF aircraft on the German submarine base at Lorient, France
At Metz, in enemy occupied France, thee unit bay workshops and three locomotiveAt Metz, in enemy occupied France
Great destruction was caused to the oil refinery at Donges near St
Bostons and Mitchell aircraft of RAF bomber command attacked a German ammunition dump at Montreuil-Belfroy, east of Nantes, France in a daylight raid on 2nd August 1944
Picture showing the results of Allied Air attacks oh a large constructional works in the Pas De Calais area of Northern France, similar to the large site recently captures in theCherbourg Peninsula
Aerial view showing damage caused to the Creil railway marshalling yards one o clock on 23rd March 1944
Bostons of RAF Fighter Command attack the naval stores depot at Rennes, France during the Second World War. The depot serves the U-boat bases on the French Atlantic coast
This important Nazi aerodrome near Paris, one of two principal bases for the supply of new aircraft and maintenance for all German fighter units on the Western Front
Another devastating blow at retreating German transport was struck by medium bombers from Britain over the Rouen areas
Hundreds of bomb craters dot the Evreux-Fauville airfield
Aerial view showing bomb damage to a depot of tanks and lorries during a raid by RAF Lancaster bomber planes at Mailly, 40 miles south east of Rheims in occupied France. 5th May 1944