Bomb damage to central Berlin near the Tiergarten area. 8th March 1944
The Heinkel factory in Rostock, Germany, following a raid by the RAF. April 1942
Damage to the central areas of Berlin after R. A. F. raids. 24th March 1944Damage to the central areas of Berlin after R.A.F. raids. 24th March 1944
A section of the centre of Lubeck following a bombing raid by the RAF on the 28 / 29 MarchA section of the centre of Lubeck following a bombing raid by the RAF on the 28/29 March 1942 showing destroyed or damaged buildings, including the Central Electric Station
Heavy bomb damage at Stettin after R. A. F. attack on the 20th / 21st April 1943Heavy bomb damage at Stettin after R.A.F. attack on the 20th/21st April 1943. Pictured, between 40 and 50 wagons destroyed in the sidings at Bahnhof Pommerensdorf
Enemy Raids on the North West, England, 30th August 1940
Children continue to play games and enjoy adventures, even amongst the desolation caused by German Luftwaffe air raids in Manchester, northern England during the Second World War. 25th June 1943
The bombing of Sandhurst Road School occurred during an air raid on Wednesday, 20th January 1943 when the school on Minard Road, Catford, south east London was seriously damaged
Flying bomb incident at Arlington Road, Southgate, London, Tuesday 20th June 1944
Flying bomb incident at Petherton Road, Highbury, London, causing fracturing of water mains and flooding of basements in nearby housing, Sunday 2nd July 1944
Liberator bombers of Strategic Air Force of the Eastern Air Command flew over 2, 300 miles to bomb the newly built Japanese port of Khao Huagang in Southern Burma
A reconnaissance photograph taken by the RAF of the completely destroyed town of Duren, Germany, after the daylight attack by RAF Lancaster Bombers of Nos, 4, 6 and 8 Groups
Damage to the Rheinmetall Borsig AG plant in Dusseldorf following an attack by bombers of RAF Bomber Command on the night of the 22nd/23rd April 1944
This synthetic oil plant at Bottrop, west of Gelsenkirchen, Germany, produced 100, 000 barrels of oil per month for the German war machine before it was wrecked from the air
A reconnaissance photograph taken by 542 Squadron RAF of the completely destroyed town of Duren, Germany, two days after the daylight attack by RAF Bombers of Nos, 4, 6 and 8 Groups
A month before the Normandy landings, Mosquito aircraft of Bomber Command laid mines in the Kiel Canal, the most heavily defended waterway in the world
Liberators and Flying Fortresses of the US Eighth Air Force struck at the source of the Luftwaffe during Mondays daylight operations, the 21st so far this month
The Erla Aircraft factory in Antwerp burning after a U. S. A. A. FThe Erla Aircraft factory in Antwerp burning after a U.S.A.A.F. bombing raid during Second World War. 10th April 1943
Southampton after the blitz during the Second World War. 30th November 1940
General view of Easton Road in Bristol after bombing during the Second World War. Circa 1941
The Clydebank Blitz, comprised two devastating Luftwaffe air raids on the shipbuilding and munition-making town of Clydebank, Scotland on 13th and 14th March 1941
After the blitzing of the City of London, Red Cross Street Fire Station, which had been badly burned externally and only saved from destruction by the determined efforts of the Station personnel
The church was bombed on 24 / 25 November 1940 in the Bristol BlitzThe church was bombed on 24/25 November 1940 in the Bristol Blitz, leaving it an empty shell
Aerial view of Catania being bombed during Second World War. 20th July 1943
Mainz after the R. A. F. heavy bombing raids of August 11thMainz after the R.A.F. heavy bombing raids of August 11th and 12th during second World War. (Picture) A small part only of the damage in the heart of the city. Circa 31st August 1940s
The Fortuna power station, near Cologne, Germany under attack. Taken from the mid-upper turret of one of the attacking Bristol Blenheims of No. 2 Group. 12th August 1941
Royal Air Force raid on Kiel harbour. December 1940
View of bomb damage Jewin Street in the City of London, after it was struck by bombs of the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the capital. Circa 1941
Photographic reconnaissance shows that RAF Bomber Commands attack on the S. APhotographic reconnaissance shows that RAF Bomber Commands attack on the S.A. des Pneumatiques Dunlop factory at Montlucon, near Vichy, on the night of 15th -16th September 1943, caused heavy damage
RAF Bomber Command attack the ball bearing plant of J. Schmid Roost, S. ARAF Bomber Command attack the ball bearing plant of J. Schmid Roost, S.A. ranking as the third most important of its kind in France, on the night of 9th - 10th May 1944
The Gnome and Rhone aircraft factories at Limoges in German occupied France, which not only manufactures air engines for the Luftwaffe
Clearance of an unexploded parachute mine in Ellerby Grove, East Hull during the Second World War. 23rd February 1941
The ruined shell of St Andrews Presbyterian Church stands at the corner of Prospect Street and Albion Street in Hull following an air raid on the city on 7th May 1941
The Kingston Works of Reckitt and Colman Ltd in Dansom Lane, Hull pictured after being damaged by a new type of oil bomb, dropped by the German Luftwaffe in the early hours of 18th July 1941
The Kingston Upon Hull works of Reckitt and Colman Ltd in Dansom Lane, Hull pictured after being damaged by a new type of oil bomb, dropped by the German Luftwaffe in the early hours of 18th July 1941
Scenes among the bombed out houses of Silverdale Road in Hull during the Second World War. 25th October 1944
A swarm of bees searching for a home, decided to take up their quarters in an aperture in the port rudder of " Q for Queenie" a Halifax bomber at an airfield in the north of England
Aerial photographic-reconnaissance image taken over Hamburg, Germany, showing severe damage to the Rhenania Ossag AG oil refinery (top) and the Ebano Ashpaltwerke AG (lower right)
Aerial photographic-reconnaissance image showing a carpet of bomb craters and severe damage to the marshalling yards and surrounding town area at Rheine
On the night of 29th - 30th April 1944, RAF Bombers attacked the Clermont Ferrand/Aulnat Airfield in German occupied France
The effects of RAF Bomber Commands November 1943 attacks on the city of Berlin, Brandenburg, Germany. March 24, 1944
The remains of St Philips Church in central Hull following the raids of May 1941
Reckitt & Colman, Hull. July 1941
Rescue work under way at Fairfax Road, Harringay, London after a V1 flying bomb had crashed in a residential area on 10th December 1944
Bombed house in Waterloo, Sefton, Merseyside, caused during early morning raid on Saturday 31st August 1940. Several people in the house were fatally injured
Busy scene on a blitzed housing estate, Collin Road, Birkenhead, where the voluntary services aided in the salvaging and removal of furniture from demolished homes, Friday 16th April 1941
Palace Ice Rink, Liverpool, after damage caused during last nights raid, Pictured Friday 6th September 1940
Flying bomb incident at Arundel Road, Leytonstone, London. Scene in the south of England very soon after a flying bomb had crashed
RAF Attack on Italian Submarine. Circa August 1942 While carrying out a patorol in the Western Mediterranean a Sunderland flying boat of Coastal Command surpised an Italian Submarine on the surface
Debris from a wall blown into the street by an explosion which occurred at Scotland Yard during the Fenian activities. May 1884
Slaney Street off Steelhouse Lane in Birmingham, packed with debris after a heavy night of bombing, pictured Monday 28th October 1940
Air raid damage in Bridlington following a raid on the town 16th November 1940
The wreckage of F W Woolworth Prince Street, Bridlington after a direct hit during a raid on the town by the Luftwaffe. Four people were killed in the raid
Perhaps the most enduring image of Teesside during the Second World War is the bombing of Middlesbrough railway station
Doing it just like the builders do, a hive of industry going on in the new childrens playground opened on the blitz site of St. Lukes Church, Peckham, London
Twenty four year old warden Mrs Mary Couchman crouches down to protect her young son Brian and his two friends during an air in a Kent village during the Second World War
Birmingham City football ground. St. Andrews football ground hit during a bombing raid in the Second World War. 21st January 1942
A RAF Anglo-French SEPECAT Jaguar, ground attack aircraft, drops its bomb on the mock runway at Redesdale Camp, Northumberland. 26th July 1988
View of the bombed fire station at Tooting in South London following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe. 1943
WW2 Air Raid Damage Bomb damage in Cardiff - people survey the wreckage and rubble caused by the air raid bombs. Circa 1941
Firemen tackling a blaze, Circa 1940
Bomb damage in Kentish Town, London, 19th June 1944
Bomb damage, London Chest Hospital, Bethnal Green in London, 2st March 1941
Bomb damage, Brown Brothers, Great Eastern Street, London, 26th July 1944
The damage to the Victoria Hall, Sunderland, caused by an air raid in May 1941
V2 Rocket incident at Tottenham Grammar School. 15th March 1945
V2 Rocket incident at Chingford Road, Walthamstow. Remains of a surface shelter in which 8 people were killed and many more casualties in surrounding houses. 8th February 1945
Aerial view showing the ruins of Coventry Cathedral after it was destroyed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city during the Second World War. 14th November 1940
Smoke rises from the town of Brunei in British North Borneo after an attack by RaF Beaufighters
A RAF Tornado bomber releasing JP233 land mines used in wartime for runway denial operations against enemy airfields Circa 1990s
London Fire Brigade tackles fires close to Waterloo railway station as nine thousand incendiary and high explosive bombs fall on the city of London during a Luftwaffe air raid 29th December 1940
London docks burn as the Luftwaffe drop high explosives and incendiary bombs on the east end of London. 7th September 1940
The glow from fires started by the bombing of the East End and docks light up Londons skyline, the dome of the Old Daily can be seen silhouetted against the glow. 7th September 1940
Salvage workers search through the debris follow a V1 Flying Bomb attack of Deptford. Circa July 1944
Rescue workers dig through the rubble after a V2 missile exploded at the junction of Wanstead Park Road and Endsleigh Gardens, Cranbrook, Ilford, London, 8th March 1945
Crater close to the railway at Earlham Grove, West Ham following a V2 missile attack. 30th October 1944
Devastation in Leytonstone following a V2 missile attack. 31st October 1944
Bombed School. Miss Ellen Wilkinson sympathising with Corporal L. GBombed School. Miss Ellen Wilkinson sympathising with Corporal L.G. Biddle, whose twins, aged 5, had not been discovered amongst the debris late last night
Corporal I. C. Davis came home on leave last night to his London homeCorporal I.C. Davis came home on leave last night to his London home and here he is seen salvaging bedding from his wrecked home in Trinity Road
Workmen clear away the rubble following an air raid on Putney, London. Circa November 1943
Workmen search through the rubble following a V2 attack on Camberwell. Circa March 1945
Damage to housing in Fulham, London, following an air raid on the city, carried out by the Luftwaffe as a revenge attack to the RAF bombing of Berlin. 3rd March 1943
A party of rescue workers part of the ARP seen here checking houses damage by blast for trapped residents following a day light air raid on London. 2nd October 1940
A man searches among the debris of his destroyed home in Wavertree, Liverpool following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe on the city