Heavy aircraft of RAF Bomber Command - Stirlings, Halifax, and Manchester - made a daylight attack upon the Nazi pocket-battleships, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
RAF reconnaissance photo of the German Naval base at Wilhelmshaven. Photograph taken during the night attack of 15th - 16th January 1941
Flying Fortresses of the US Eighth Army Air Force attack Heinkel aircraft plant at Warnemunde on the Baltic coast on 29th July 1943. Picture taken early in the attack of the German aircraft works
An air view of the Renault works at Billancourt, a suburb of Paris on the Seinne, before it was bombed by aircraft of Bomber Command, RAF, on the night of 3rd March 1942
Aircraft of Bomber Command RAF attack industrial works in Paris, occupied France during the Second World War. Picture taken the following day at low altitude shows the damage done to the works
On the night of 27th May 1944, RAF Bomber Command attacked a six gun coastal defence battery at Saint Valery en Caux in Normandy, Northern France
A daylight photograph taken by the RAF after the attack on the Matford Motor Works at Poissy near Paris, France on the night of 2nd April 1942, the second night in succession
A daylight photograph taken after the attack by Bomber Command RAF on the Matford Motor Works at Poissy near Paris, France on 2nd April 1942
Bombs bursting on the railway station and sidings during a daylight attack by RAF Bomber Command on Saint Omer in Northern France
On the night of 28th May 1944, RAF Bomber Command attacked another coastal defence battery at Saint Martin de Varreville in Normandy, Northern France
An aerial view of the Renault works at Billancourt, a suburb of Paris on the River Seine, after it was bombed by aircraft of Bomber Command, RAF, on the night of 3rd March 1942
Great damage was done by the recent precision attacks of RAF Bomber Command on the important French railway installations at Amiens, Le Mans, and Trappes
Pictorial record made of a daylight attack by Stirlings of RAF Bomber Command on an enemy target in occupied France during the Second World War. 27th August 1941
After the capture of the mountains of Roccamonfina and Camino - a triumph of sheer and hard fighting in the face of appealing weather conditions
Aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attacked the airfield at Tours, France, on the night of 7th - 8th May 1944. Earlier, aircraft of 8th US Fighter Command attacked this airfield on 28th April
In a daylight attack on Cherbourg, Northern France on 15th September 1942, 15 Boston bombers, escorted by fighters
General view of railroad yard in centre of Carentan, France, with American soldiers inspecting damage resulting from aerial and naval shelling. Circa 23rd June 1944
Osaka. the bombing raid resulted in 3, 987 dead and 678 missing and destroyed 8.1 square miles (21 km2) of the city for the loss of two aircraft, one by accident
Singapore during a Japanese air raid during Second World War. 26th February 1942
Part of the huge armada of RAF planes pictured before setting off from Britain for the Northern French Coast, ready to assist the Allied Forces during the D-Day Normandy landings. 6th June 1944
Fighters of the US 8th Air Force attack rail yards at Guise, about 70 miles north-east of Paris. August 1944
Japanese barracks on Tokushima airfield in Japan being bombed by the British Navy. 10th August 1945
All that remains of the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, which was bombed by Mosquitos of the RAF in a low-level day attack on the 23rd March 1945
Bombs falling all around of HMS Ark Royal during an attack by Italian aircraft during the Battle of Cape Spartivento. 27th November 1940
Picture taken during an RAF Bomber Command great attack on the German lines in France on 18th July 1944, showing a Halifax bomber with half its tail plane shot away
Bombs tumble from the bays of an overturned Liberator Bomber of the 15th Air Force when it was caught in a heavy flak bolt while making a heavy bomb run over Blechhammer, Germany
R. A. F. mass raid Bremen, damage to Focke-Wuf aircraft factoryR.A.F. mass raid Bremen, damage to Focke-Wuf aircraft factory. Amongst the targets attacked b R.A.F
Damage to Krupp works, Essen. R. A. F. Bomber Command on the night of 5th June 1943Damage to Krupp works, Essen. R.A.F. Bomber Command on the night of 5th June 1943
Reconnaissance photograph of Kiel harbour taken by a Supermarine Spitfire of The Photographic. Reconnaissance Unit flying from Heston, Middlesex
The last span of the two span autobahn bridge has been demolished and has fallen into the river at its east obstructing normal river traffic and operations are in progress to relieve the obstruction
The Dortmund EMS Canal at Ladbergen was emptied when aircraft R. A. FThe Dortmund EMS Canal at Ladbergen was emptied when aircraft R.A.F. Bomber Command attacked this target. The Reconnaissance photo was taken on 2nd October 1944
Forts record trip wrecks FW-190 Factory. (1)Run-up to the target before the first boss hit. (2) Height of the attack when the factory has been fired by incendiary and high explosive bombs
Rostock burns by night and by day. Photo taken at midday on Sunday April 26, from a Reconnaissance aircraft of the R.A.F
The aftermath of operation Chastise attack on the Rhur Valley Dams. Mohne Dam, Ruhr Valley at Froendenberg Boesperde (Thirteen miles from Moehne Dam) The following damage can be seen:- 1
First photographs of the Navys successful surprise raid on Sabang and Lhenga airfields in Northern Sumatra at dawn on 19th April 1944
Reconnaissance photograph taken by a Spitfire of 542 Squadron of the completely destroyed town centre of Julich, Germany, two days after the daylight attack by aircraft of Nos, 4, 6 and 8 Groups
Robot bomb exploding - picture taken from the roof of the Daily Mirror at Fetter Lane, London. July 1944
This photograph was taken at the start of a recent night attack by the RAF on Stettin. 1. Bomb flash 2. Bomb burst close to viaduct carrying Berliner Strasse over the railway 3
Great damage in the centre of Bremen where raging fires swept large areas following an attack by RAF Bomber Command using incendiary bombs
Administration buildings, hangers and revetments are covered by bomb bursts during a recent successful raid by Flying Fortresses on Athena Eleuala airfield in Greece. 2nd November 1943
Extensive damage among the buildings, rolling stock and installations at the Gereon railway yard in Cologne
Bombs dropped by B-17 Flying Fortresses and B-24 Liberators explode onto choke points at the Herford rail marshalling yard 35 miles southeast of Osnabruck, Germany
This excellent night photograph was taken during the attack on Emden on the night of 31st of March 1941 when it will be remembered that the RAF used, for the first time, a new type of bomb
Photographs taken after the second heavy raid on Essen on the night of 12-13th March 1943 following the severe
A section of the heart of the great Krupp armament works at Essen, photographed the day after the devastating raid on the night of 12-13th March 1943
Reconnaissance pictures taken after the RAFs 1000 bomber raid on Cologne on May 30th 1942 show damage to be heavy and widespread over all parts of the city
On the night of May 30th 1942, RAF Bomber Command carried out the heaviest air attack of the war up to that time
Reconnaissance photo taken by the RAF over the industrial town of Osnabruck, Germany, showing: A. Wood C. Railway engine sheds D. Railway workshops E. Gasworks F. Railway lines G. Railway stations J
A photo of Kiel harbour taken two weeks after a successful raid. The Scharnhorst is still in the floating dock and the Lutzow in dry dock, the damage to her stern being very apparent
Damaged and destroyed buildings of the Krupp munitions factory following a raid by the RAF. Essen, Germany. Circa April 1945
Two bombs drop from a US heavy bomber towards U-boat yards in the German district of Vegesack as part of a successful raid. 18th March 1943
Part of the Charlottenburg and Moabit district of Berlin after raids by RAF Bomber Command, where damage among a number of works and industrial concerns is concentrated and severe
RAF Photo reconnaissance photograph of Kiel harbour following a raid by RAF Bomber Command. Circa December 1940
Photo-reconnaissance image taken by a Spitfire of 541 Squadron over Hamburg
Pictures taken yesterday on 11th April 1945 showing RAF bomb damage at Hanover, Germany
RAF attack on Le Trait in occupied France. Shipyards at Le Trait, on the Seine, in enemy-occupied France, were attacked in daylight on March 25th by aircraft of Bomber Command. 29th March 1942
Evidence of the terrific battering Hamburg received from RAF and USaF bombers in July and August 1943, is provided by this ground photograph
Attack on St. Nazaire by RAF during Second World War. 1st April 1942
Bombers carry out daylight raid on Le Havre during Second World War. 30th March 1942
Blenheims attack shipyard at Le Trait. 30th July 1941
Nearly five thousand workmen, mostly forced imported labour, were employed In repairing the bomb damage to the marshalling yard at Hamm, Germany, at one time
Two Douglas Boston Mark IIIs of RAF Bomber Command making a low level daylight attack on the the Royal Dutch Blast Furnace and Steelworks at Velsen, near IJmuiden
Daylight attack on Thepotz Aircraft factory at Mealte. 15th July 1941
R. A. F. Lancasters attacked a large ammunition dump at Maintenon 40 miles south west ofR.A.F. Lancasters attacked a large ammunition dump at Maintenon 40 miles south west of Paris. May 11th 1944
Royal Airforce offensive sweep over Desvres, near Boulogne. 15th June 1941
RAF raid on St. Nazaire during Second World War. 1st April 1942
The trans-shipment base at Chumphon on the Kra Isthmus ablaze during a raid by RAF Liberators and USaF B-24s of the Strategic Air Force. Circa 1940s
Aerial view of Julich showing the heavy damage inflicted upon the town. 24th February 1945
A night photograph taken from a RAF bomber while making a heavy attack upon Munster. 1. No flak or searchlights over the target
Bombs falling right across the target during the attack on the oil refinery and fuel storage dump on the West bank of the Rhine at Helden, near Emmerich. Circa 1944
A low level attack on Eschwege Aerodrome (30 miles east of Kassel) is shown in this photograph taken from a Royal Air Force bomber
The Goldenburg power station at Knapsack, near Cologne, Germany under attack. Taken from the mid-upper turret of one of the attacking Bristol Blenheims of No. 2 Group. 12th August 1941
Photograph taken during the early stages of the raid on the Chemical Plant at Gelsenkirchen. 1. Two fires burning at the centre of the target. 2
Over 3000 tons of high explosives and incendiary bombs were dropped on the industrial centre of Bochum by Lancasters and Halifaxes of RAF Bomber Command on the night of the 4th/5th November 1944
RAF daylight raid on Cologne 2nd March 1945 which was the last of the 262 air raids the city suffered throughout the war Image shows the Deutz suspension road bridge collapsed following the raid
The main railway station at Munich, considerably damage after a RAF Bomber Command attack on the night. 17th December 1944
RAF Photo Reconnaissance image of the Bielefeld viaduct, following the successful daylight attack by 15 Avro Lancasters of No. 617 Squadron RAF on 14 March 1945
Flying Fortresses and Liberator bombers of the 8th Air Force attack industrial targets on the south west edge of Berlin. Circa March 1944
Bombs from a Bristol Blenheim of No. 2 Group fall over the junction of the main linesBombs from a Bristol Blenheim of No
A aerial view taken during a night attack on the Westhafen docks, Berlin. On the night of 7-8 October 1940, 42 aircraft of Nos
Aerial photograph taken from a RAF Venturas during a daylight raid on the docks at Den Halder, Holland. 23rd December 1942
The Battle For Mandalay: A burning pagoda near Port Dufferin. Circa 1940s
Quadrath / Fortuna power station, near Cologne, under attack by Bristol Blenheim of NoQuadrath/Fortuna power station, near Cologne, under attack by Bristol Blenheim of No. 2 Group. Photograph show a direct hit on the coal handling plant 12th August 1941
Damage to the important railway station and junction of Soltau, north of Hanover. 22nd February 1945