The railway bridge at Oissel, south of Rouen, which was made impassable to rail traffic by RAF attacks
Flying Fortresses of the N. W African Air Force attack the railway yards at FoggiaFlying Fortresses of the N.W African Air Force attack the railway yards at Foggia, in South-East Italy. 22nd July 1945
The Germans at St Malo have given up. The Citadel at the extreme point of the port wasThe Germans at St Malo have given up
A low level attack on a goods train made by a Polish fighter pilot of the RAF on his return from a successful offensive sweep over Northern France. October 1942
On 18th February 1944, a Mosquito wing of the RAF Second Tactical Air Force carried out an attack on the prison at Amiens in an attempt to assist more than 100 prisoners to escape
Aerial view showing damage caused to the Creil railway marshalling yards one o clock on 23rd March 1944
Four thousand-pound bombs on their way from a Marauder medium bomber of the American 9th Air Force to the port area of Dieppe, Northern France
In a daylight raid on 5th August 1943, aircraft of RAF Bomber Command attacked U-boat pens at Brest, North Western France
Photo taken during a recent RAF raid on shipping and small craft in Boulogne Harbour. Direct hits can be seen and fires are starting in dockside buildings
In this daylight attack on the docks at Dunkirk, occupied Northern France, at least fourteen bomb bursts are seen: five in the northern half of the commercial dock
Daylight attack on Fives / Lille steel and engineering worksDaylight attack on Fives/ Lille steel and engineering works, Lille in occupied Northern France. Thia target was successfully attacked, on July 6th.1941. PHOTO SHOWS: Annotation: 1
In a daylight raid on 3rd January 1943, Flying Fortresses and Liberator bombers of the US Army Air Force based in Britain, carried out a heavy attack on the port of St. Nazaire in France
A salvo of 25 bombs launched from RAF bombers against a convoy of enemy mechanical transport vehicles moving northwards from Ruisseauville, Northern France. Circa May 1940
In a daylight raid on 14th April 1942, a formation of RAF Boston bombers, escorted by fighters, attacked the power station at Mondeville, near Caen, in enemy occupied Northern France
Raid on the German occupied French port of Dunkirk in Northern France by Liberator aircraft of the United States Army Air Force, escorted by fighters
Nine bombs bursting on the concrete runway of St. Omer / Longuenesse aerodrome during a Royal Air Force daylight sweep over enemy occupied Northern France during the Second World War. June 1941
Bombers of the RAF carried out a daylight attack on Le Havre in enemy occupied Northern France on 26th March 1942 when docks and buildings were hit
Heavy aircraft of RAF Bomber Command - Stirlings, Halifax, and Manchester - made a daylight attack upon the Nazi pocket-battleships, Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
Daylight attack on La Riche Railway bridge at Tours in Southern France by Marauder medium bombers of the American Ninth Air Force
An attack made by Mosquito fighters of the RAF Second Tactical Air Force on a school beloved to be used as a German barracks at Egletons, 50 miles south of Limoges in South Western France
Action picture made during a successful attack by flying Fortresses of the U. SAction picture made during a successful attack by flying Fortresses of the U.S
Aircraft of the RAF attack industrial works in Paris, occupied France during the Second World War. Picture taken the following day at low altitude shows the damage done to the works. 3rd March 1942
This Ninth Air Force reconnaissance photograph shows the damage caused in St
A bridge linking the peninsula with the mainland at Brest was rendered useless by Marauders and Havocs of the American Ninth Air Force, which attacked the port on 3rd September 1944
While on a fighter-bomber mission well behind the German lines in France, Lieutenant Mayne, a US Ninth Air Force Thunderbolt pilot
Picture showing the results of Allied Air attacks oh a large constructional works in the Pas De Calais area of Northern France, similar to the large site recently captures in theCherbourg Peninsula
A Baltimore bomber of the R. A. F attacking the Rome Pescara road during Second World WarA Baltimore bomber of the R.A.F attacking the Rome Pescara road during Second World War. 4th February 1944
Cassino destroyed by air attacks. In one of the greatest air attacks of the war the town of Cassino was completely destroyed today by aerial bombardment. 15th February 1944
A train-load of 120 flying bombs intended for London was attacked end destroyed by RAF rocket firing Typhoons on 1st September 1944 at Schulen, near the Albert Canal in Belgium
Metz, taken the day the city fell to the 3rd Army. 2nd November 1944
A building blazes in Armentieres after German bombing. 8th June 1940
An RAF Fighter Command Middle East Beaufighter Squadron strike and destroy an axis cargo vessel off the coast of Preveza, Greece during the Second World War. September 1943
RAF Beaufighters of the Middle East Command have made many successful attacks with bombs, cannon and machine gun fire on motor transport and shipping off the coast of Greece and Crete
Scene of devastation to Midland Bank in Witham, Hull after it was bombed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city in May 1941
Scene of destruction in King Edward Street, Hull after it was bombed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city in 1941
Scene of devastation to Hull Savings Bank in Holderness Road Hull after it was bombed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city in July 1941
Firefighters attend the scene of devastation at the Valiant, the Port of Hull Societys Seamans Hostel in Carr Lane which was heavily damaged in a German air raid. 8th May 1941
Housing being built on the site of the former Hull Savings Bank, which was bombed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city in 1941. Circa 1949
Scene of devastation to Midland Bank, Hull after it was bombed by the German Luftwaffe in an air raid on the city in May 1941
Scenes in Hull, the most severely damaged British city or town during the Second World War, with 95 percent of houses damaged
Photo taken during a recent R. A. F. raid on shipping and small craft in Boulogne HarbourPhoto taken during a recent R.A.F. raid on shipping and small craft in Boulogne Harbour. Direct hits can be seen and fires are starting in dockside buildings
Picture taken from R. A. F. Bostons during attacks on 3-10-43Picture taken from R.A.F. Bostons during attacks on 3-10-43
Photograph taken during a daylight raid by 11 Douglas Bostons of No. 342 (Free French) Squadron RAF, on the power station at Chevilly-la-Rue, near Paris. 3rd October 1943
Photograph taken during a daylight raid by Bostons of No. 342 (Free French) Squadron RAF, on the power station at Chevilly-la-Rue, near Paris
This was Hitlers HQ. Troops of the U.s First Army view remains of HitlerThis was Hitlers HQ. Troops of the U.S First Army view remains of Hitlers headquarters, near Rodert, Germany, demolished by the retreating enemy a few days ago
Aero Engine Factory Supplying Luftwaffe Blitzed By U. S. FortressesAero Engine Factory Supplying Luftwaffe Blitzed By U.S. Fortresses
Almost every bomb can be seen erupting in the heart of the target area at the Reims marshalling yards as U.S. Eight aF heavy bombers attacked on March 30th
The wreaked highway bridges over the River Seine at Elbeuf, Airorafy of A. E. A. FThe wreaked highway bridges over the River Seine at Elbeuf, Airorafy of A.E.A.F. attacked them obliterating one completely and successfully cutting the other
Troop-carrying aircraft of the Ninth Airforce flew thousands of paratroops and airborne units to Frances north coast
Bostons attack Naval stores at Rennes. A reconnaissance photo of the target area taken some time after the Bostons attack
R. A. F. Bostons Attack Steelworks at Denain. This photo was taken duringR.A.F. Bostons Attack Steelworks at Denain
Reconnaissance photo showing damage caused on the approaches to the Viaduct D Eauplet by bombs seen bursting in the photograph. 17th September 1944
Reims Rail Centre showing signs of recent attacks the rail marshalling yards at Reims, northeast of Paris is seen just before the U.S. Eight aF heavies attacked it on 30th May 1944
This picture shows wrecked highway bridge across the Seine at Mantes / GassiccourtThis picture shows wrecked highway bridge across the Seine at Mantes/Gassiccourt north-west of Paris which was attacked by A.E.A.F. aircraft recently
Three spans of the bridge at St. Blois Denis in Northern France Lie twisted in the water after the attack on June 11 by U.S. Eight aF heavy bombers
The Battle for Normandy: A British soldier in Caen after its liberation, gives a helping hand to an old lady amongst the scene of utter devastation
The Battle for Normandy: A British soldier carries a little girl through the devastationThe Battle for Normandy:A British soldier carries a little girl through the devastation of Caen after its liberation
On Crete, the German bombing of the Heraklion aerodrome, near Candia, was followed by ground strafing by Messerschmitts. Shot down in flames by A.A. gunfire of a German troop carrying aircraft
Fleet Air Arm Shatter Enemy Convoy. Picture taken from one of the attacking Barracudas during a Fleet Air Arm strike on a southbound enemy convoy off the coast of Norway
Blenheim aircraft of R. A. F. Mediterranean command delivers an attack from mast-high on anBlenheim aircraft of R.A.F. Mediterranean command delivers an attack from mast-high on an emery tanker off the coast of Tunisia recently though she was escorted by destroyer
Hugging the shore and protected by a destroyer green and fight escort, the German cruiser Prinz Eugen was sighted on Sunday evening May 17th steaming southwards along the Norwegian Coast
A photograph taken during an air raid by De Havilland Mosquito B Mark IVs of No. 139 Squadron RAF on the locomotive sheds at Tours, France. Bombs burst across the railway track and engine sheds
An extensive group of industrial buildings - including a weaving mill - near the marshalling yards badly damaged. 27h March 1943
On May 17th 1943, a Nazi convoy consisting of 6 supply ships and eight escorts, was attacked by Beau-fighters of Coastal Command while steaming into north off Dutch Coast
The Attack On Benghazi. In an air attack on Benghazi the most important port in Eastern Libya, considerable damage was done to shipping as seen from this photograph taken following the raid
Addis Ababa after a visit by The Royal Air Force, a direct hit has been scored on the hangers which can be seen to be well alight and burning fiercely. 17th February 1941
R. A. F Mitchells Attack Rotterdam Shipyard In Daylight. Escorted by SpitfiresR.A.F Mitchells Attack Rotterdam Shipyard In Daylight. Escorted by Spitfires, Mitchell bombers of the R.A.F
A salvo of bombs bursting on the concrete runway of Schipol Aerodrome, Amsterdam. Of the 22 aircraft on the ground 10 are obviously damaged (to the right the main buildings)
Second Great Fire of London. Down! Down! hurtled thousands upon thousands of his incendiary bombs! St. Pauls Cathedral was the centre of his target. 29th December 1940
An enemy ammunition dump in the Middle East accurately bombed by the R. A. FAn enemy ammunition dump in the Middle East accurately bombed by the R.A.F. The dump contains thousands of bombs hidden under camel thorn far out in the desert
Fires rage in Somalia, Gobwen aerodrome in Middle East, desert after air strikes by R. AFires rage in Somalia, Gobwen aerodrome in Middle East, desert after air strikes by R.A.F aircrafts during Second World War. 8th March 1941
This photo was taken during a recent daylight sweep over Northern France and shows bomb bursts in the area previously badly badly wrecked by the patent slip in the tidal basin
Damaged and sunk light cruisers and destroyers can be seen through the shadow and smoke caused by the burning 8" cruiser. 17th December 1942
Flak over Brest. Tracer from German anti-aircraft gun fire depicted in a photo bomb image taken during the raid on Port Militaire, Brest, France. Circa 5th January 1941
A photograph taken during the heaviest air raid of the war on Lorient, France
A photograph taken from a Handley Page Hailfax of No. 427 Squadron RCAF during a major night raid by a mixed force of 128 aircraft on the German submarine base at Lorient, France
German shells landing on Route 6 beyond Arce. 6th June 1944
Monte Cassino monastery during bombing attack by Allied Flying Fortresses. 21st February 1944
Aircraft of Coastal Command destroyed five U-boats in ten days during a period of intensive submarine activity in the Atlantic
This picture was taken at an RAF Lancaster Bomber station during the attack of 23rd -24th March 1944 on the German city of Berlin when over 2, 500 tons of bombs were dropped
A pilot of an RAF Wellington plane and his crew attacked the Macchi Factory at Varese near the Swiss Frontier and flew their Wellington bomber 500 miles back to base on one engine
Picture taken at an RAF Bomber Command Station. Loaded bomb trains are leaving the dumpsPicture taken at an RAF Bomber Command Station
Aircraft in very great strength attacked the German city of Nuremberg on 30th - 31st March 1944
Canadians and Australian Air crew who took part in a bombing raid on Berlin