As a result of a sustained bombing campaign by the US Tenth Air Force against Japanese rail communications in Burma the enemy has been forced to depend more
A harmless looking farm cart trundling along a country road between Kyaukpadung and Poaywa was sighted by RAF Beaufighters flying overhead
Paddle steamers, camouflaged with cut vegetation in an attempt to merge them with the surroundings, are used by the Japanese as headquarters on some of the Burmese rivers
Dense smoke with a flaming centre is seen rising from the gas plant at Zietz following an attack by Liberator heavy bombers of the US 8th Air Force. Circa June 1944
Reconnaissance photograph taken by 106 (PR) Group, RAF of the damaged to the Adam Opel motor factory at Russelsheim, Germany
Bombs from a Bristol Blenheim of No. 2 Group fall over the junction of the main linesBombs from a Bristol Blenheim of No
A recent RAF reconnaissance photograph of the centre of Bochum, an important German industrial town in the heart of the Ruhr
British troops have scored successes and are mopping up on the Imphal Ukhrul front
A German bomber on a Brandenburg airfield being strafed by Captain Nicolas Magura in his P51 Mustang fighter of the 8th Air Force during a fighter sweep of Germany. 24th June 1944
Direct hits from the US 8th Air Force heavy bombers on every building of the Waggun ME-110 assembly plant at Brunswick, Germany. Smoke and fire blanket the target. 11th January 1944
Damage to two large exhibition buildings in the Charlottenburg Fairgrounds, gutted as a result of Allied air attacks on Berlin. Circa April 1944
Aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Alfred Teves aerospace component factory at Frankfurt following night attacks by RAF Bomber Command on the nights of 18th/19th March and 22nd/23rd March
A 4, 000 pound bomb ( extreme right) dropped by bombers of RAF Bomber Command during a daylight raid on Heinsburg. 16th November 1944
On Sunday 20th February 1944 the US 8th Air Force despatched 2000 heavy bombers to attack enemy aircraft factories at Leipzig, Brunswick, Bernburg and military targets at Gotha
This is how the Bettenhausen ordnance depot at Kassel, 110 miles north west of Cologne, appeared after the US 8th Air Force heavy bombers had attacked the facility on 2nd October
Friedberg Marshalling Yard Air Raid 4th December 1944 The vital choke point and half the yards receive the solid impact of a tight cluster of bombs
Bombing raid on oil production facilities in Hamburg as the US Eighth aF Liberators and Fortresses press home their attack. 20th June 1944
A reconnaissance photograph shows heavy damage in Karlsruhe after an R. A. FA reconnaissance photograph shows heavy damage in Karlsruhe after an R.A.F. raid on the 2nd September 1942. Pictured, the partially destroyed Junker und Ruh Werke factory. September 1942
Further damage to Duisburg station in the Papendell-Neudorf district. May 1943
A heavily damaged section of the Krupps work in Essen. March 1943
Heavy damage to the railway station in Dusseldorf. September 1942
The destroyed factory of Deutsche Rohren Werke in Dusseldorf. September 1942
Heavily damaged Derendorf works of Rheinmetall-Borsig A. G Arms after an R. A. FHeavily damaged Derendorf works of Rheinmetall-Borsig A.G Arms after an R.A.F. raid over Dusseldorf. November 1944
Royal Air Force. Middle East, score direct hits in attack on Benghazi Harbour, Libya. Picture shows bombs bursting on the docks and shipping in the harbour during a raid
Fires rage in Duisberg during a very heavy attack. 15th October 1944
Aerial view showing damage caused to the Creil railway marshalling yards one o clock on 23rd March 1944
Smoke and dust billow upward during a successful attack by by Flying Fortresses of the US 15th Air Force on Istres- Le Tube aerodrome near Marseille in occupied Southern France on 16th November 1943
To the bombardiers riding in US Eighth Bomber Command, Flying Fortresses, the German U boat locks (A) and pens (B) at La Pallice, La Rochelle, were tiny targets far below
At Lechfeld, in South Western Germany, one of the training centres for German bomber personnel
Four bay hangars, workshops, barracks and one large hangar were hard hit by Flying Fortresses of the US Eighth Army Air Force on 28th March 1941 at the Ju 88 repair base at Reims in occupied France
One of the heaviest concentration of bombs ever delivered against single target by bomber aircraft of the US Eighth Air Force, on the Nazi aircraft factory at Meaulte in enemy occupied France
Aerial view of B17 Flying Fortress bombers of the US 8th Air Force plastering another Nazi fighter base at the Amiens-Glisy aerodrome in Northern France, 15th August 1943
The Nazi run Renault motor and armaments plant at Billancourt on the outskirts of Paris, was successfully bombed by Flying Fortress bomber aircraft of the US Eighth Air Force
A Volcano of smoke spouts up from Hanovers sprawling tyre factories after a heavy raid by Flying Fortress bombers of the US Eighth Army Air Force. 26th July 1943
Flying Fortress bomber aircraft of the 15th US Air Force attack on the important German held airfield of Montpellier in enemy occupied France. 27th January 1944
Flying Fortress and Liberator bombers of the US Eighth Army Air Force, again penetrated Germanys defences to strike targets in Berlin on Wednesday 8th March 1944
B-24 Liberator bombers of the 15th US Air Force, shown in formation near their target, a German aircraft assembly plant at Bourges, south east of Orleans, France. 10th April 1944
Murky smoke spouts up from the Bettenhausen Focke Wulf plant at Kassel as bombs register on the target area
Several direct hits have considerably damaged the triangular junction at the Sarreguemines marshalling yards in enemy occupied France
At Metz, in enemy occupied France, thee unit bay workshops and three locomotiveAt Metz, in enemy occupied France
Strings of bombs head for the already burning target at Regensburg, Germany on the Danube river near the Austrian border in January 1945
Smoke spouts up from the Nazi repair and equipment aerodrome at Werl, east of Dortmund, during an attack by heavy bombers of the US Eighth Army Air Force
Huge columns of black smoke rise over the target of Klagenfurt, Austria
Severe damage to important buildings is shown in this reconnaissance picture after the US 8th Air Force attack on the Messerschmitt works at Augsburg, Germany on 13th April 1944
RAF reconnaissance photographs taken after the two major attacks by aircraft of Bomber Command on 18th-19th and 22nd - 23rd March 1944
Apparently secure In their belief that East Prussic was beyond the range of daylight bombers
Pouring into swirling, billowing clouds of smoke rising from bomb battered Kiel
B-26 Marauder medium bombers of the ninth US Air Force fly majestically through patches of white cloud as they head for their base in England after completing one of their many bombing missions over
The important German railway centre Malines, one of the main lines from Germany to the Channel ports of France
High explosives bursting on and around Kiel Germania Werft U-boat construction yards(as shown in left centre)
Just outside the Little town of Chartres in enemy occupied France, the German fighter-pilot training base was one of the targets for Flying Fortress bombers of the the US Eighth Air Force
Under a strong protection of US Eighth and Ninth Air Force fighters, American heavy bombers attacked several German pilot training centres in occupied France
Flying fortress bomber aircraft of the US Army Air Forces, supported by Spitfire fighters of the RAF, made an attack on the big German U-boat base at Lorient in Brittany
Aerial view showing damed caused to the Creil railway marshalling yards one o clock on 23rd March 1944
B-26 Marauder medium bombers of the United States Army Air Force hit dispersal areas
Photograph taken during a daylight attack on the steel and engineering works of the Cie Fives-Lille, and the locomotive, carriage and wagon works of the Sec
Aerial photograph taken a few hours after Flying Fortress bombers of the US Eighth Air Force had bombed the huge Messerschmitt factory at Regensburg on the Danube river near the Austrian border
This photograph, taken during a night attack by Allied aircraft on Piraeus harbour, Greece, on 11th - 12th January 1944, shows bombs bursting in the target area
Photos taken by the RAF Film Unit show, top left, a close-up as bombs are dropped from a Lancaster over Germany, and continue in sequence until in the last picture, bottom right
Several people were slightly injured when a bomb struck the corner of Kings Heath public baths which was being used as a First Aid post in Birmingham during the Second World War. 30th October 1940
Two women salvaging the stock after their shop had been burnt out buy incendiary bombs, following an air raid by thew German Luftwaffe on a West Midlands town during the Second world War
A direct hit from an RAF bomber explodes in a cloud of dust and smoke right in the middle of the tracks at Ye railway yards, Burma. Circa 1945
Damage to shops and houses in a West Midlands town following an air raid during the Second World War. Not a single windows has remained in tact. Circa August 1940
Damage to a building in Birmingham following an air raid on the city during the Second World War. Not a single windows has remained in tact. 14th August 1940
Damage to a bus station and surrounding buildings after an air raid in Manchester. 25th December 1940
Postmen shift through the wreckage and rubble to retrieve letters from a blitzed post box in central London. Circa December 1940
Scenes in Liverpool after an air raid by the German Luftwaffe. Residents walk through the rubble strewn front gardens of their homes following the attack. 15th December 1940
Commuters pass the burnt out shell of the Central Telegraph Office on the corner of Newgate Street and St Martins Le Grand, in the shadow of St Pauls Cathedral
Civilians help rescue people trapped in a shelter after a bombing raid in Portsmouth. 11th May 1941
Scene near Salford Town Hall following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe. Some people managed to slide out unhurt by using the mattress of a bed. October 1940
Fragments of clothing thrown into a tree by bomb blasts in the South East of England during the Blitz. Circa 1940s
Civilians in Russia amongst ruins after an Air raid during the Second World War. 1st September 1941
A sister of mercy who sits in a chair all night, guarding the homeless at a building near Whitehall, London, during an air raid in the Second World War. 6th October 1940
Three year old Freddy Arnold stands amongst the ruins of his bomb shattered home in Bath, Somerset following an air raid by the German Luftwaffe on the city at the end of April 1942
Warden W Russel congratulates a woman woman, covered in dirt and dust
Bill Kennedy rescues the last of the many horses who were trapped for many days after the bombing of a London mews during the Second World War. 25th November 1940
Goat Street after Swanseas three night blitz during the Second World War. 24th February 1941
The Auxiliary Fire Service (AFS) was first formed in 1938 in Great Britain as part of the Civil
Rail centre blasted during Nazi retreat. This scene of destruction greeted Allied ground forces when they entered Piombino, south of Leghorn on the west coast of Italy
General view of Cannon Street in Manchester. after bombing during the Second World War. 24th December 1940
8th U. S. A. A. F. bombers attack the Junkers aero engine plant at Strasbourg8th U.S.A.A.F. bombers attack the Junkers aero engine plant at Strasbourg. 27th May 1944
Rocket firing Beaufighters of the Balkan Air Force, supporting the Yugoslav National Liberation Army of Marshal Tito in carrying out attacks on German targets in Yugoslavia
Rocket firing South African Air Force Beaufighters of the Balkan Air Force, supporting the Yugoslav National Liberation Army of Marshal Tito in carrying out attacks on German targets in Yugoslavia
Beaufort aircraft of RAF Coastal Command bomb German ships lying alongside the quay at St. Peter Port, Guernsey in the Channel Islands in a daylight raid on 17th January 1942