Fisher Bendix Factory, Kirkby, workers vote overwhelmingly to carry on their occupation of the premises, Friday 7th January 1972
Trudy Sellick, the youngest ever voter, aged 18 and 3 hours old, casts her vote at the Bridgewater Bi-Elections Somerset, England. Trudy Sellick of North Newton, Somerset, turned 18 on polling day
Model Jan Burdette wearing a collection of rosettes on the day of the General Election. 27th February 1974
152 year old Shirin Baba Gasanov casts his vote in the local elections in Russia. May 1969 P004689
Labour leader Neil Kinnock and his wife Glenys at Pontllanfraith, South Wales, on the day of the 1992 General Election. 9th April 1992
Labour leader Neil Kinnock and his wife Glenys go to cast their vote in the 1987 general election in Pontllanfraith, Wales. 11th June 1987
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and husband Dennis seen here leaving the polling station at the Westminster Institute in Castle Lane, London, SW1 on the morning of the General Election. 9th June 1983
Ford stay on strike. At at mass meeting at an open-air swimming pool in Dagenham, Essex. Ford Union officials claimed that the show of hands were in favour of continuing the strike
Presidential elections in Germany March- April 1925. They were the first directPresidential elections in Germany March- April 1925
Suffragettes Mary Gawthorpe (the Womens Social and Political Union speaker)
Christabel Pankhurst and Womens Social and Political Union speaker Mary Gawthorpe in Manchester ahead of their " Votes For Women" meeting at Manchester Trade Hall on 19th January 1909
Miners soon after leaving work at Montagu Colliery, Newcastle, cast their votes at the Montague Miners Welfare Hall Polling Station, Newcastle
Sheila Forrest makes a draw for the balance of Evertons share of tickets for the FA Cup final match v West Brom at Wembley
Jane Clark, votes in the United Kingdom general election on her birthday, aged 18 years old, this general election was the first in which people could vote from the age of 18
Labour leader Neil Kinnock and his wife Glenys cast their votes at Pontllanfraith, South Wales. 9th April 1992
A pensive British Conservative Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, at the Castle Street polling station, London SW1. 11th June 1987
British Conservative Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher, and husband Denis wave to the crowd at the Castle Street polling station, London SW1. 11th June 1987
A vigorous fight for East Tyrone. Sinn Fein officers in uniform. Polling takes place today for the election of a member for East Tyrone
Gwynfor Evans of Plaid Cymru, leaving the polling station after voting in the Parliamentary election for the Camarthen constituency. 31st March 1966
Police sniffer dogs searched every inch of Coventry Sports Centre before last nights " big count"
Jack Jones chairman of the TGWU union seen here voting at the 107th Annual Trades Union Congress in Blackpool 2nd September 1975 Watscan - - 22/04/2009
One of the hairdressers casting her vote at the polling station in her salon while staff and customers carry on in 1992
Among early voters at La Sagesse School polling station in Newcastle was Sister Fernand, from La Sagesse Convent, who is pictured with Mr. Jack Stoker and Mrs. Jean Baty in 1977
Politicians cast their votes during a debate on the Common Market. Staying inside the Common Market will be best for Britain, Europe and the world
President of the Republic of Ireland Eamon De Valera putting his voting paper into ballot box during the elections. 30th May 1973. Dymphna Miller
Challenger for leadership of the Conservative Party Margaret Thatcher arrives for a debate. February 1975 75-00681
Coal miners cast their votes during the election. October 1977 P005132
Boy Brownsword carrying a parcel full of votes from Norton Colliery in Stoke-on-Trent arrives at the Electoral Reform Society headquarters in Chancel St. February 1974 P017756
The Bunnies tale. 1968; bunnies went psychedelic in brightly-coloured and patterned costumes. October 1976 P018586
General Election at Tredegan. February 1950 O22784
General Election at Tredegan. February 1950 O22756-001
Current Conservative Party leader Edward Heath arrives for a debate on the leadership of he party after being challenged by Margaret Thatcher. February 1975 75-00681-001
Challenger for leadership of the Conservative Party Margaret Thatcher arrives for a debate. February 1975 75-00681-003
Votes arriving in packets and cardboard boxes at the Electoral Reform Society H. QVotes arriving in packets and cardboard boxes at the Electoral Reform Society H.Q. in London brought from the miners in Northumberland by Mr Bill Crosby and Mr Bob Jackson. February 1974 P017754
1950 Election Mr and Mrs Herbert Morrision outside the polling station before casting their votes. February P018716
Mr. and Mrs. Clement Attlee and his daughters were out early this morning in a last minute round-up of Mr. Attlees constituency
Election 1959 Old folk turn out to vote at Salford Polling station October 1959 P018695
General Election 1950. Britain votes today. Prime Minister Clement Attlee, with supporters outside the polling booth at Walthamstow, his own constituency February 1950. P018707
General Election: Sir Stafford Cripps, with Lady Cripps, in the Committee room at West Bristol, where he retained his seat for Labour. February 1950 P018689
General Election 1950. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Attlee looking through the voters list as the polls closed at Walthamstow tonight. February 1950 P018686
Stars help the Liberals. As the General Election campaign hots up on the run in toStars help the Liberals
Election 1950: Mr. Leonard Smith, Chief Election Agent at Liberal headquarters, standing by the indicator which records the movements of Liberal candidates all over the country. P018677
General Election 1950: The children of Mrs. Coreery, L to R. David, 3, June, 6, and Brenda 4, outside Roper Street Polling Booth. They were left in charge of a policeman. February 1950 P018683
Election - And some in barrows. General Election. All candidates were limited in the number of cars they could use. At Stokenham, Devon, they over came the transport problem like this
General Election. Mr and Mrs Herbert Morrison at the polling booth to vote. February 1950 P018668
Record Turn-out in Ulster Poll. A record 70-80% of the voting population turned out on Thursday to elect the new Ulster regional Assembley