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346 Items
St Marys Church, Knowsley Parish Church, Knowsley Village, 27th December 1967
Appleby in Westmorland, Market Town, Cumbria, North West, England, 21st October 1938
Men of 22nd Independent Parachute Company, 6th Airborne Division being briefed for the invasion. 4th June 1944
ARP rescue workers removing settee from blitzed army huts used as dwellings in a field in Buckinghamshire. April 1941
V-2 incident at Waltham Abbey, Essex. 7th March 1945
Chapel Street at Devonport, Plymouth, following a Nazi raid. 23rd April 1941
Aftermath of an air raid, Devonshire. Circa 1940
ARP pulling down walls following an air raid attack, England. April 1940
The owners of these chairs and settee were killed in a blitz which destroyed army huts, England. April 1941
Bombs at Eton College. The ruins of the headmasters House in the college. December 1940
A wrecked shelter following a Nazi raid, Devonshire. May 1942
Aftermath of a Nazi raid in Dartmouth, Devon. 26th March 1943
Death comes to evacuees living in army huts in a field. ARP rescue squads salvaging kids skipping ropes and other items from blitzed army huts in Buckinghamshire. April 1941
St Andrews Church, Plymouth following an air raid attack. March 1941
The centre of Coventry after air raid attacks. Circa November 1940
After a raid on Dartmouth, Devon, part of the towns 17th Century Butterwalk was in ruins. Cold stone Pillars dated 1635 and the ancient piazzas f the walk were badly knocked about
Manchester Assize Courts destroyed by Nazi raiders. 1st June 1941
Air raid damage. General view of Crescent Road, East Barnet. 13th August 1942
Bombs on Eton college. The boys helping to salvage from the masters house, which was a fine example of a Wren. December 1940
Eton schoolboys salvaging from the bombed Masters house, a Christopher Wren building. December 1940
Scenes following a Nazi raid, England. April 1940
Ted Stocker, who directed the rescue operations, points out where the bombs landed, Devonshire. May 1942
Bombs on Eton College. A view of the masters house which was a fine example of a Wren. December 1940
The South Liverpool Unit Sea Cadet Corps was honoured by a visit from Commodore B. K. Boase, R. N. PSTO NW Ports and Commander Notley RNR Garston. Picture taken 2nd July 1943
A photograph taken during an air raid by De Havilland Mosquito B Mark IVs of No. 139 Squadron RAF on the locomotive sheds at Tours, France. Bombs burst across the railway track and engine sheds
An extensive group of industrial buildings - including a weaving mill - near the marshalling yards badly damaged. 27h March 1943
A thirty foot crater caused when a high explosive bomb dropped on a football pitch in the Merseyside area during a recent raid. There were no casualties in the adjacent houses
These two sets of stairs in a Liverpool house hit by a Nazi night bomb in a recent raid on Liverpool, stood up to it, and some people sheltering under the lower staircase, were injured
A sewing lesson in the school playground at Llanfairfechan, Conwy County Borough, Wales, where there are many Liverpool children. Picture taken 21st May 1942
Picture shows a hole in the roof of the Derby Memorial Transept (memorial space, interior) at Liverpool Cathedral which was damaged in a recent air raid. Picture taken 6th May 1941
The end of Mr Pages garden where the portions of a German plane fell last night, during a raid over the North West. Liverpool, Merseyside. Picture taken 20th August 1940
Lord Street, Liverpool, Merseyside. Picture taken 7th May 1943
Liverpool members of the Girls Training Corps displaying a keen interest in an instrument at an ATS ) The Auxiliary Territorial Service) event in Liverpool. Picture taken 1st September 1942
RAF Malcolm club in Normandy, Northern France during the Second World War
Members of the Womens Fire Service. May 1942
The destruction on the dockside off the south side of Rouen. Hundredsof armoured vehicles and transport, Waggons etc, which covered w miles. 1st September 1944
Laden landing craft setting out for the French coast in the early hours of the 6th June 1944
This photo was taken during a recent daylight sweep over Northern France and shows bomb bursts in the area previously badly badly wrecked by the patent slip in the tidal basin
Damaged and sunk light cruisers and destroyers can be seen through the shadow and smoke caused by the burning 8" cruiser. 17th December 1942
Flak over Brest. Tracer from German anti-aircraft gun fire depicted in a photo bomb image taken during the raid on Port Militaire, Brest, France. Circa 5th January 1941
A photograph taken during the heaviest air raid of the war on Lorient, France
A photograph taken from a Handley Page Hailfax of No. 427 Squadron RCAF during a major night raid by a mixed force of 128 aircraft on the German submarine base at Lorient, France
Women of the National Fire ServiceEmarch before US troops, Kingston. September 1942
St Michael, Huyton Parish Church, Huyton, Knowsley, 23rd September 1955
The Liverpool Blitz. An un named street in Liverpool. Merseyside. The house is decimated. The peak of the bombing raid over Liverpool was 1st to 7th May 1941
A group of American soldiers build a dam to keep the river from flooding after it burst its banks in Northern France. November 1944
Village Hall, Knowsley Village, 28th March 1950
The special section of the ATS (The Auxiliary Territorial Service) girls who have just completed a period of training with the Brigade of Guards
Mallerstang Edge, Cumbria, North West, England, Circa 1980
A good example of precision bombing; US Marauders attack La Trait, occupied France
The remains of Great Charlotte Street fish Market in Liverpool, Merseyside, after an air raid Saturday night. Picture taken 23rd December 1940
Kirkby Mill Dam, Kirkby, our picture shows, a miniature waterfall below the lock gates runs into a stream littered with rubbish, Circa 1950
Dame Helen Gwynne Vaughan, director of the Auxiliary Territorial Service, inspects the WATS (Womens Auxiliary Territorial Service) in camp at Caernarvon, Wales. Picture tane 16th August 1939
Hamilton Square, Birkenhead, Merseyside. The crater of a bomb which dropped harmlessly in the middle of he square. Picture taken 3rd March 1941
Thousands of Allied Naval Craft ferry to and from the beachhead in Northern France form an impressive picture
Bomb damage in Wesley Street, Crosby, Waterloo, Liverpool, after a German air raid. Picture taken 31st August 1940
Office girls on a city roof being instructed how to fight an incendiary bomb. January 1941
The new chairman of the Hoylake UDS Councillor AED Mitchell, presenting lanyards to the winners of the inter-squad Drill competition of the 14th squadron of the Womens Junior Air Corps
Through the wreckage of buildings, through fire and water, with bombs dropping, this despatch rider of the London Fire Service goes on his way to headquarters with a message. 9th March 1941
Liverpool, Merseyside. Demonstration of the home guard. Picture taken 16th May 1943
Telephone clarks. Liverpool, Merseyside, during World War Two. Picture taken 11th February 1941
A photograph taken during a low-level daylight attack on steel and armament works at Denain, France, by a force of Douglas Bostons drawn from Nos
A large bomb crater which narrowly missed two business offices during Thursday nights raid on Liverpool. The area is Mann Island. Mann Island is a small area in Liverpool, England
National Fire Service dispatch riders of No. 36 Fire Force area, practising on a ChigwellNational Fire Service dispatch riders of No.36 Fire Force area, practising on a Chigwell, Essex, assault course which has bomb craters
The Fire Services in training at Everton Terrace. Liverpool. Merseyside
Girls of the N. F.s feeding the rabbits in the vestry. June 1942Girls of the N.F.S feeding the rabbits in the vestry. June 1942
Theres a pantomime at Newcastle. but if the theatre gets blitzed there won t be. These girls are ladies of the chorus and they aren t going to see there job go up in flames
Slough women Home Guard. November 1941
General Charles De Gaulle of France leads Allied soldiers in to Southern France. May 1945
Bostons of RAF Fighter Command attack the naval stores depot at Rennes, France during the Second World War. The depot serves the U-boat bases on the French Atlantic coast
Peace and war are very close together in this picture of an outpost of the Lincoln regiment on the lookout while a farm labourer continues with his harrowing
Village School, Knowsley Village, 28th March 1950
How to quickly dress in gas clothes. Women demonstrate at a first aid post in Hendon. 19th September 1939
Rations abandoned by the retreating Germans in Southern France being distributed to the citizens of Besse by Allied troops. August 1944
In a daylight raid on 3rd January 1943, Flying Fortresses and Liberator bombers of the US Army Air Force based in Britain, carried out a heavy attack on the port of St. Nazaire in France
Picture taken in Liverpool. 14th October 1940. People in the red brick airPicture taken in Liverpool. 14th October 1940
Men of the Maquis de l Ain et du Haut-Jura, the French partisans, take over the town of Oyonnax near Geneva in defiance of the Vichy and German authorities
Old Barn dated 1721 in Carr Lane, Roby that now houses an Electricity Sub Station, built in 1937, pictured 18th January 1949
Avro Lancasters of No. 5 Group attacking the explosives factory at Bergerac, France on the night of 18/19 March 1944. A marker flare can be seen falling from on of the aircraft
The 4th Home Guard anniversary. Detachment of 3rd City of London Home Guards Parade in Hyde Park. King George VI takes the salute. Alongside the King is Lt
A photo-reconnaissance image taken by No 106 PR Wing RAF. Showing the damage to the explosives factory at Bergerac, France, following the attack by Avro Lancasters of No
Women Home Defence Unit. The London Savings Bank are being trained by the Company of Home Guards from the Bank Unit. Their training includes P.T. Unarmed Combat signalling and shooting