Ken Buchanan boxer 1983 eating fish and chips out of paper foot on dustbin cap tools on lid tartan scarf
Ewan Macleod Sunday Mail pop writer nose ring hair braids
Jack McGinn Celtic Park Parkhead beside burnt out stand
David Smith vice chairman Celtic sitting at table with Kevin Kelly
Fergus McCann Celtic football club press conference with Kevin Kelly microphones
Paul McStay Celtic football team captain standing football pitch stand behind
Princess Anne arriving SECC Glasgow dark green jacket navy skirt adjusting shoulder bag
Princess Anne visit to Edinburgh Zoo both hands up no rings on fingers
Jim McColl Beechgrove Garden television presenter with flowers tweed hat glasses at Botanic gardens
The Krankies childs car seaside promenade
Vera Weisfeld launch her book Recipes for Life toast with glass of champagne leopard skin coat
Barry Humphries with staff Weisfeld store Glasgow conga line wearing Snata claus caps showing a leg
Vera Weisfeld black coat fur collar cuffs
Vera Weisfeld sitting on white fire side rug leaning on foot stool grey and black jacket skirt gold belt buckle
Vera Weisfeld black cape brown suit beside television camera Rolls Royce car
Audrey Baxter of Baxters Food mustard jacket white blouse pen papers
Nanette Newman Cork Film Festival cap waistcoat MSI
Nanette Newman at premiere International Velvet lace trimmed dress MSI
Nanette Newman Cork Film Festival cap waistcoat November 1970
Jon Pertwee actor ex Dr Who leaning against police box like Tardis Glasgow talking on telephone
Iain McColl actor dressed as convict in striped suit ball and chain on wrist