Cadets on guard duty being inspected by a Senior Officer. 6th August 1942
Women Royal Navy Service training at the rifle range during the Second World War. A group of Wrens taking aim during shooting practice. December 1940
Picture shows Matt Busby, instructing his Manchester United team, during a training session ahead of the 1968 European Cup Final against Benfica, at Wembley
Sea Cadets from Horley, Surrey training in Shoreham-by-Sea. The visit Shoerham twice a week for practice as there is no sea at Horley
Cadets under instructions by a Senior Officer learning how a bow-line knot is made. 6th August 1942
Naval Cadets undergoing training at a Naval establishment in the heart of England during the Second World War. 31st August 1943
General Instruction consisting of Boatwork. Compass & Helm Knots and Splices, Semaphore and Parts of a Rifle
Cadets of the Wakefield 127 Squadron of the ATC give landing instructions to Corporal Don Nicholson in the cockpit of the home made aeroplane, while Holton looks
Miss Sarah Churchill, the Prime Ministers daughter with Wing Commander Hodsoll, Inspector General of Civil Defence Services
Commander Grant teaches orphans in the training ship Stork, moored on the River Thames, for future roles in the Royal Navy or the Merchant Service
Mr T. M. Watson, Chief Constable of Wallsall (wearing mac), leading his men in to the gas van during the Gas Drills at Walsall Fire station in preparation for a real attack. 29th October 1936
A party of boys from Army Cadets battalions from all parts of Southern England last week spent seven days at an REME School of technical Training near Reading, Berkshire
District Officer Coleman explaining the air raid precautions to the members of the Aston Hippodrome Company during their visit to the Central Fire Station in Birmingham
The first Wrens to be trained as Balloon operatives have just completed their course. Besides learning how to operate balloons they underwent a course of instruction in their care and maintenance
Explaining the composition of an incendiary bomb to office girls of a city company who are taking part in a fire fighting course
Wireless experts of a West Country Tank Corps unit practicing wireless telephony at their West Country Headquarters during the Second world War. 15th July 1940
Maze of wires inside a tank presents no problems to these members of a West Country Tank Corps unit
An explanation of the details of an anti-tank gun being given to members of a West Country Tank Corps unit in a depot in the North of England during the Second World War. 15th July 1940
Blackboard diagrams assist this class of members of a West Country Tank Corps unit in learning Morse code signs at their West Country Headquarters. 15th July 1940
A sectionised old bus engine is used to teach these members of a West Country Tank Corps unit all about the mechanics of their vehicles at their West Country Headquarters during the Second World War
A former Derbyshire country mansion now being used as an infantry training centre with militiamen in training as Officers
A unit of Royal Engineers practicing pontoon bridge building over a river in Derbyshire during the Second World War. 25th November 1940
Learning to cook under the direction of skilled Army cooks. Picture possibly taken at an army barracks, where these ladies will eventually cook for the troops stationed here
A signaller on one of Britains Motor anti submarine boats. The seaman wears a beret with the letters HMMASB
Cutter D Hoskins demonstrating to female workers at the Steinberg and So Ltd textiles factory in Pontypridd, Wales. August 1963
Manchester City assistant manager Malcolm Allison, banned from soccer for one month, was back at work to-day He is pictured here urging on the players on a cold wet December morning
Yorkshire coaches Maurice Leyland (left) and Arthur Mitchell explain the workings of the slip catching cradle to colts (left to right): T.G. Webster, J.A. Claughton, E. Fisk and D. A
Tottenham Hotspur players listen to their manager Bill Nicholson during a training at Cheshunt prior to the start of the new league season. 4th August 1961
Charlton Athletic manager Don Welsh has a word with a young football fan before taking charge of a training session with his team. 3rd August 1947
British tennis star Fred Perry demonstrates to members of the Yarrow Youth Club in Cleethorpes, Lancashire. Circa 1946
Cecil Pepper, the Australian cricketer, has opened an indoor cricket school in Rochdale. From the outset tremendous enthusiasm has been shown
Cecil Pepper gives 22 year old John David Bond of Radcliffe cricket club a few tips on stroke play. April 1955
A. T. S. furniture factory. Lt. Archard (Centre) teaching his class the art of woodworkingA.T.S. furniture factory. Lt. Archard (Centre) teaching his class the art of woodworking in the disused Police station. March 1944 P007953
Tina Butler, woman driving instructor seen here giving a driving lesson. September 1962 E474
Cricket Coaching. Boys follow Mr. Moseleys example in this forward shot. January 1953 P005580
Lancashire County Cricket Clubs first indoor coaching school opened in the members dining room today at Old Trafford, and the captain, Nigel Howard, set the ball rolling by taking first knock
Army training at Eaton Hall. September 1951 P005712
Tina Butler, woman driving instructor seen here giving a driving lesson. September 1962 E474-007
Teenagers who have committed motoring offences taking a road safety course April 1975
Class of would be women railway clerks having there final lesson in the ground of a beautiful mansion now converted to a hostel
Sargeant Shorter of the Coldstream Guards instructing the new recruits of the girls training Corp at Chelsea
Royal Academy of dancing with special guest Josephine the Skeleton model. June 1952 C3191