Models of Viking longships are burnt on the beach at Cullercoats Bay in July 1980
A Viking longboat on the river Tyne for the Newcastle Regatta in July 1980
Swiss glider pilot Karl Sheuber came to Northumbria Gliding Club and put on an impressive display, in August 1972, in a new type of glider the Pilatus B4 which is made entirely of metal
A hang glider flying over the Cleveland countryside in March 1975
A hang glider takes to the air in November 1982
Gliders at Northumbria Gliding Club grounded on the air field in February 1995
NCB apprentices are reaching for the sky and pioneering a new course arranged by the Coal Industry Social and Welfare Organisation by learning the basic of gliding in July 1974
These hang gliders have a long hard trek back up the hill to start again in March 1975
The ladies from the Womens Institute wait for their turn to take to the skies in a glider in July 1983 and lead the WI movement into a new era of adventure
Six engineers from the British Gas Research Corporation built this hang glider from plans for £ 50 in January 1974
Helping hands get Gordon Smith ready to take to the air in his Hang Glider in April 1978
Paul Quinn and John Dixon of the Northumbria Hang Gliding Club during a practice session on Newcastles Town Moor in September 1980
Cramlington Gliding Club members hauling into position their new machine. It is the gift of Mr. W. L. Runciman in March 1938
An aerial picture of a glider from the Northumbria Gliding Club in February 1995
Hang gliding with North Yorks Sail Wing Club in March 1975. Instructor Dick Christon takes to the air like a bird
Nine year old Marion Scott in a 1923 Brownie uniform whcih cost £9. 6dNine year old Marion Scott in a 1923 Brownie uniform whcih cost £ 9. 6d. for the dress and 8d. for the tie
The highest distinction in the Guiding movement, the Queens Guide Award has gone to two Tyneside girls
Any old paper? Thats the chant of this band of Brownies in the Northumberland village of Stamfordham in November 1974
The 1st Denton Girl Guide Company had something to celebrate when two of their members, Helen Younger and Helen Lane, received their Queens Guide Award in April 1982
Visitors to Cramlingtons 14th annual show witnessed a spectacular show by the Nottingham Joust Association in June 1984
A large Brownie pack enjoying a day out in May 1974
A deft twist, and the cards are smoothly shuffled, but it takes a lot of practice to work in a casino
Brownies of the 11th Newcastle pack were special guests at the wedding of Miss Shirley Anne Marshall in December 1974, for she is their Brown Owl
A woman playing on a one armed bandit or electronic gaming machine in November 1999
Members of the 1st Ryton Brownies skipped 3, 000 skips to buy 30 rose bushes for the villages old peoples home and to provide money towards an outing for its residents in February 1974
Sixty four year olf Anti Brydon took on councillor Ian Gordon in a marble marathon through the streets of Cramlington, Northumberland in March 1975
The board game Othello is childs play to four year old Elizabeth Perella in April 1977
Some of the cast of Newcastles 35th Gang Show outside the Theatre Royal in 1978. The line up from the left, Annette Egan, Brenda Tomkins, Alan Tomkins, Lynn Tomkins and Margaret Falcus
Terry Richardson of the Stags Head in Butterknowle playing pub ten pin bowling in May 1996
Spring scrabble... Peter Finley (left), from SunderlandSpring scrabble.... Peter Finley (left), from Sunderland, the secretary of the Association of Premier Scrabble Players gets in some early practice with fellow committee member Graham Thomas at Durham
Handing over of new Colours to the Northumberland and Durham Division of the Girls Brigade at the Heaton United Reformed Church, Newcastle in May 1973
Mrs. Watson from Gosforth has been passing on many tips on how to cook without utensils to more than 300 Guides from England, Northern Ireland, Norway, Finland, Sweden
The Sealed Knot Society organised an encounter between Cavaliers and Roundheads at the bridgehead over the river in the early stages of the siege of Warwick Castle which took place at dusk
The County Museum at Warwick became a battleground for an afternoon when members of Birmingham Wargamers Association re-enacted Waterloo for a large gathering of children. Mr
Celia Reade, aged 14 seen here shortly after landing a trout following a fishing lesson at the Old Mill, Nether Wallop, Hampshire. 2nd August 1969
Dora Houston seen here fishing close to her home in Wigan, hoping to land another three foot long pike. 11th September 1966
A young angler wearing a panama hat fishing in the Grand Union Canal between Rickmansworth and Watford. Circa 1950
A young angler fishing in the Grand Union Canal between Rickmansworth and Watford. Circa 1950
A Great Plaice for Fishing. St Annes on Sea, Lancashire, had a problem with their open air swimming pool
Youngsters Danny Woodhouse and Ian Mannering seen here fishing. Danny appears to have caught a whopper of fish. 22nd August 1983
Anglers gathered at Wilfreds Pond near Hose in the Vale of Belvoir, popular with miners from Nottingham. 24th July 1977
Look out fish! A group of boys aged between ten and fourteen years seen here at Wraysbury, Buckinghamshire being taught how to fish
Not an apple for teacher but a big fat fish. Mr Tom Thomson a civil engineer who lives in Fritton is an expert angler
Young ice skaters on Quinton Pool, Cheylesmore, Coventry. 28th December 1964
Divers while away some time reading their local newspaper on a charity dive
Its a topsy-turvy underwater world for a squad of Tyneside skin-divers. For they have succeeded in walking upside down with their feet on the underside of the ice
The Northumberland Junior Chess Championships at George Stephenson School
Children playing in a chess compeition in 1996
Colonel-General Bill Bursell with his Napoleonic soldiers and cannon
The siege of Oxford Street, 1972, was quashed in three minutes flat by a single traffic warden
Children playing in a chess competition
Litttle and large! A scaled down working VW and its mini Echo caravan with full sized versions in the background
Mr. R. H. Walton chairman of the Northumberland Pistol Club and mr. David Javan, secretary, with an early type of Turkish cannon which will be ceremonially fired at Ponteland
11 year old Simon Florence concentrates hard in his chess match
Two men playing chess
Mrs. Connor of The Black Horse Inn, Barlow, County Durham with the chess set that is very popular in their pub
Children concentrating on their chess boards and each other at chess club
Chess master Mike Basman playing 30 games at once at North Shields Chess clubs 40th anniversary
Schoolboy Tim Wall crowned his victory in a junior chess championship when he defeated a former British champion in a senior tournament
The Evening Chronicles chess columnist "The Bishop"The Evening Chronicles chess columnist " The Bishop" faces up to a challenge from 10 year old Kirstey Williams
Check mate... The games up for one competitor in the mid Northumberland chess congressCheck mate..... The games up for one competitor in the mid Northumberland chess congress
Former Conservative Party leader Ted Heath at the helm of Morning Cloud yacht. May 1975
Record collector: Mr. Brodetsky a Leeds record collector seen here with his collection. 1955 A147-003
The Reverend Geoffrey Smith, the vicar of St. Michaels and All Angels Church in Lilleshall, Shropshire, painting one of his model buses. April 1975 75-02158-005
Record collector: Mr. Brodetsky a Leeds record collector seen here with his collection. 1955 A147-002
Leamington youngsters are enjoying their Christmas presents - skateboards, in Jephson Gardens. 30th December 1977
Toboggaaining over the snow at The Grove, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. 3rd January 1963
Pensioner John Potter has lost the heart for his life-long hobby of kleek growing after his latest show crop was deliberately destroyed in August 1984
Peter Rhodes who is a competitor in the Beamish Museum Leek Show with two of his exhibits in September 1996
Gardener Paul Harrigans facination with growing giant vegetables clinched him a place in the recrod books when he shattered the previous best for the worlds heaviest pot leek
Leek grower Alan Rowntree is pulling out all the stops to protect his prize leeks in August 1981. He has installed floodlighting and puts in all night vigils to fend of theives
One of the many leek and flower shows that take place in the North East in September 1998
A gardener on the Ponteland allotments where his competition leeks and onions were ripped up overnight in August 1995
Everyone is talking Tribbles and Klingons at the Crest Hotel in Newcastle, as it plays host to the Gallieo Con III
A general view of a leek and flower show at the Lancastian Suite of the Federation Brewery in Dunston, Gateshead in September 1997
Joe Jones has done it again in September 1983. For the second year running JoeJoe Jones has done it again in September 1983
A travelling library in March 1985 gives people in outlying areas a chance to browse and shows just what can be done with a commercial vehicle
Steve White with his giant prize winning leeks in September 1994
A jubilant Patricia Hall with husband Tom at their Blyth allotment. Patricias leeks were prize winners unlike Toms in September 1994
A judge measuring one of the gigantic prize winning leeks in September 1997
Warwickshire Girl Guide patrol leaders marching to a service held in their jubilee camp at Packington Park, near Meriden. 6th June 1960
A Steam engine rally in full flow at Hinckley, Leicestershire. 5th September 1983
Members of the Northumbria Gliding Club with their new Rumanian glider the 1828B in which they hope to set some new club height and distance records in March 1977
A glider at Northumbria Gliding club getting positioned for take off in February 1995