Doffing their caps to the ugly duckling of Longroyd Junior School are Ashley Wormald, left, and Adrian Teale
Two little ducklings in their owners sink as they "help"Two little ducklings in their owners sink as they " help" with the washing up February 1984
Children at Crarleigh L. C. C. Residential Nursery School look after their pet ducklings. May 1950 O24228
Children at Crarleigh L. C. C. Residential Nursery School look after their pet ducklings. May 1950 O24228-004
Not all of these two week old ducklings are enjoying their bath
Some young ducklings
A Muscovy duck which has adopted som mallard ducklings
Mother duck takes charge of her ducklings
Back with mum the ducklings with Doris on their way to the local stream in Bournville