Lily Savage head through the bars she stars in Prisoner cell block H the musical with the freak Maggie Kirk Patrick standing besides her
Festival of Comedys Lily Savage celebrates after being crowned Festival of Comedy Queen, 10th June 1994
Paul O Grady as Lily Savage - white knee length boots blonde wig applying lipstick
Lily Savage stars in Prisoner cell block H the musical with the freak Maggie Kirk Patrick
Paul O Grady August 1998 Comedian also known as Lily Savage with Nina Myskow Mirror Journalist
Lily Savage aka Paul O Grady the Birkenhead born comedian drag artiste and reporter Polly Graham testing non run tights
Lily Savage stars in Prisoner cell block H the musical
Lily Savage drag queen character by ex social worker Paul O Grady helping Lothian and Borders firemen with hose
Ricky Renee from America, the star of the show, Birds Of A Feather at the Royalty Theatre, Kingsway, London in 1970
Mardi Gras Queen Miss New Union, Robert Mission, with 2nd Miss Holy City Bitch
Tony Head actor who appeared in the Gold Blend Adverts dressed here in womens clothing © Mirrorpix
Dennis a former nurse and army physical training insturctor now goes on stage as the lovely Deedee in 1976
Colin Boynton, aged 20, left, and Brian Corlett, 21, two entrants in the Durham Rag Queen contest in 1974
Drag Queen Russell Sharpe was given a lift by teenager Tommy Turnbull after Russell raised money for the Birtley Youth Group in 1976
A cool seductive look from 20 year old Charlie Hooper, joint winner of the Durham University Rag Drage Queen competition. Charlie is a student at Grey College in 1971
Johnny Foster, drag artist at Balambras Old Tyme Musice hall in Newcastle in 1975
Paul O Grady August 1998 Comedian also known as Lily Savage