Ann Boardman aged 20, changes a tape reel on the computer, Circa 1970
Miners dressing after their shower in the pit head baths. Each man has a locker for his clean clothes. There are over 3000 lockers in the building. July 1954 P018170
Persians shoeing a mule in Hamadan, capital city of Hamadan Province of Iran. Circa 1926. Hamadan is believed to be among the oldest Iranian cities and one of the oldest in the world
A woman tries out a new bathing machine at the Water Spalsh beach at St. Ouens Bay on the Channel Island of Jersey
Sir Stanley Matthews pictured before his testimonial at Stoke Citys Victoria Ground
Bringing the Pub up to date. On Sunday 20th July the first man landed on the Moon
France: Paris Dancers Change back stage at the Follies Berge. February 1988 P005227
Sid Field with baby. September 1948 O14844-001