Dottie the Duck - January 1985 in the snow wearing a scarf and beak warmer. 15th January 1985
Alexander Jean, Actress. March 1982
Alan McCreath fisherman on boat skipper circa 1996
10 year old Alan Barker with a friendly pigeon on his head as he walks along the promenade at Bognor Regis. 4th August 1964
Pets at Herne Bay carnival. The Daily Mirrors Pip, Squeak and Wilfred. Herne Bay, Kent. 25th August 1922
The High Bridge in Lincoln, England, the oldest bridge in the United Kingdom which still has buildings on it. Lincolnshire. 8th January 1953
Rod Hull and Emu seen here attacking Ronnie Corbett as left to right Roy Castle, comedian Janet Brown
Ducks drinking pints of beer in their local pub from pint glasses - October 1984
Honley Show. A bird in the hand... Margaret Mottram, of the Thurlstone Owl Sanctuary, shows a young tawny owl to Adam and Ben Whitehead, of Golcar. 11th June 1988
Robert Vaughn, actor who plays the role of secret agent Napoleon Solo in NBC show The Man from U.N.C.L.E. pictured feeding the pigeons in Trafalgar Square, London, 22nd March 1966. UK Promotion Tour
Stuffed budgie Sparkie Williams at Newcastles Hancock Museum. Sparkie wowed television audiences in the 1950s with his talking act through appearances in adverts and on novelty programmes
Fred the beer drinking Magpie seen here enjoying a pint August 1979
Conductor: Sir Malcolm Sargent with his pet budgie. July 1957
The frozen River Thames at Teddington January 1940
Actress and former model Madeline Smith was forcibly moved on by the law in company with a dodo in a pram in Trafalgar Square
Pigeon fancier Albert Babington holding one of his pigeons. Great Barr, Birmingham, West Midlands. 25th January 1982
Black Sabbath lead singer Ozzy Osborne with short hair, feeding the pigeons in Glasgows George Square. 29th November 1982
The Daily Mirrors Pets, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred at Minehead. 31st August 1923
Ella Edwards with some baby chicks. 1940
David Bradley, (aged 14) playing the part of Billy Casper, pictured with his Kestral, on the film set of the film Kes
The old pub and isolation hospital on Flat Holm Island (Ynys Echni) in the Bristol Channel 17th July 1973
Comedian Max Wall poses in trafalgar Square, London, with seagulls flying on to his head. January 1975
The occupiers of No 3 Court, Clayton Street, Liverpool, with their canary. 2nd March 1933
Merc the mynah bird is up for sale - because of his major language problem. He has a dirty laugh and find it almost impossible to say a sentence without swearing. 11th August 1983
Devon Bideford Bridge Devon
John Holmes seen here with his wife and surrounded by all his pets, which includes dogs, cats, a fox and a tawny owl. January 1965
Four Pelicans, a gift from the govenor of Louisiana arrived recently at St. Jamess park lake to take up residence
Gerry Francis QPR and England footballer seen here with his racing pigeons. October 1976
Scenes on the frozen River Cam in Cambridge during a cold winter spell. Circa 1975
Pigeons in danger of a slip up. A bid to clean up part of Leicester around the Lloyds Bank Building in the High Street, Leicester
Corner Shop in Pwllheli, that used to be the jail for the town in Gwynedd, north-western Wales, Circa 1960
The Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima which commemorates the 1945 dropping of the first atomic bomb.. The bomb known as " Little Boy" exploded with the force of thirteen kilotons
Scenes along the River Thames near Richmond. 18th May 1955
On the 12th May 1919 the Daily Mirror introduced its readers to the adventures of Pip and Squeak. Within nine months Pip the dog and penguin Squeak were joined by a rabbit called Wilfred
The Daily Mirrors Pets, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred at Hunstanton, Norfolk. 3rd August 1923
The Daily Mirrors Pip, Squeak and Wilfred in Portsmouth. Sailor volunteers carrying the pets house to its allocated place on the Town Hall septs at Portsmouth
The Daily Mirrors Pets, Pip, Squeak and Wilfred at a fete in the grounds of Lord Iveaghs Dublin house. Robbie Pellissier gives each pet a medal on behalf of Our Dumb Friends League. 17th June 1923
The Daily Mirrors Pip, Squeak and Wilfred on the Kentish Coast. August 1920
Witchcraft meeting at University College. Mrs Sybil Leek, the self confessed witch with her jackdaw, Hotfoot Jackson, on her shoulder. 19th February 1964
Tommy Steele, who is to appear in Panto, has fun with some geese in Battersea Park, London. 25th November 1958
Pelicans preening themselves in their enclosure at London Zoo. 26th March 1954
Pigeon racing season starts in Guisborough, North Yorkshire. 1973
Slade band members Don Powell, Dave Hill, Jim Lea and Noddy Holder on the set of their film " Slade in Flame" on location at Willesden. October 1974
The Fog Horn on Flat Holm Island (Ynys Echni) in the Bristol Channel 5th October 1973
Fashion photographer David Bailey pictured at home with some of his 40 parrots, some of which are very rare and even extinct in their native country. 8th July 1974
Scenes by the weir, Marlow, Buckinghamshire. 10th September 1954
A Peacock in Warwick, Warwickshire, West Midlands. 28th October 1966
Feeding birds in Leicester Square, London, during lunch hour. 8th March 1954
When pink Dorothy Provine arrived in London today she wanted to see the town and do some rubber necking at the famous sights
To See It Is Just A Blur. The humming bird, one of the tiniest of all birds of which there are about 300 species hail from tropical America
Teaching Robert the Macaw to talk. Robert, a blue and yellow Macaw perches outside a pet shop in Brixton market and talks to the passing shoppers. Most people stop to have a word with him
2 year old Alan is a great hunter of pigeons. Only they are a bit faster then he is. Canterbury Cathedral yard, Canterbury, Kent. 1st June 1954
Two penguins, pretending not to notice all the other ice skaters are quite unconcerned by the presence of the regulars who were rather astonished to see the polite penguins
The first Emperor Penguin at London Zoo. 31st March 1950
Penguins in the Penguin Pool at London Zoo. 20th January 1954
Visitors at London Zoo look at the penguins - while everyone seems cheerful at the sight of the little flightless birds, the boy at the front seemms greatly unimpressed and rather bored
Penguins who have been sprayed with water by their keeper, in order to keep cool in the sun at London Zoo. 8th July 1982
This Rock Hopper is senior penguin in the pool at London Zoo. He is called Siren because he has always made more noise than his pen mates. 26th June 1956
A man and child looking at birds in the lake at Albert Park, Middlesbrough, North Yorkshire. 6th March 1981
Mr. B. C. Perone of Hunstanton, Norfolk, takes his flock of geese down on to the sands atMr. B.C. Perone of Hunstanton, Norfolk, takes his flock of geese down on to the sands at Old Hunstanton once or twice a week
Stephanie, the Royal Pigeon with owner Dennis Sanders arrive at the PDSA Quinton, to officially open the clinic. 11th September 1996
A young boy having fun chasing pigeons, Liverpool. 13th April 1984
Sisters Mary (left) and Ann Weller playing with baby chicks at Downley Hill Farm, near Dorking, Surrey. 13th March 1954
Condemned dogs at the Manchester dogs home Collyhurst, Manchester, Greater Manchester, waiting for owners to claim them. December 1969 Z12262-005
Penscynor Wildlife Park owner Idris Hale holds a blue and gold macaw, similar to one that has gone missing from the park. The missing macaw called Micky is only six months old and worth £ 600
Rocky the Penguin never misses a chance to show off in front of the visitors to the Cotswold Wildlife Park, Burford, Oxfordshire
Horse drawn carriages and buses shown in congestion at The Strand, London, November 1908
Actor Leslie Phillips with his co star Chazz the cockatiel, at the Theatre Royal, Newcastle where they are appearing in Tennessee Williams Camino Real on 11th September 1997
Black Sabbath lead singer Ozzy Osborne with short hair, feeding the pigeons in Glasgows George Square. November 1982
Young girl surrounded by hungry pigeons as she feeds them in Trafalgar Square, London 17th November 1963
Snowy the budgie makes friends with Cindy the cat. 15th March 1977
Cold Duck showing off his scarf and bill warmer. January 1985
Thirteen month old boy Ian Bottomley of St Annes meets his first spring chickens and finds its a case of heads and bottoms up March 1977
Sunbury on Thames Middlesex circa 1955
The Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1956-1958 Penguin on the ice in front of the Magga Dan ship
Puffer, the commuting cockatoo, never gets in a flap about traffic
Wendy Craig actress with pigeons 1968
Animals friendships Hippo Gosling March 1973 Tommy the gosling who is 5 days old and Esme the 5 week old hippo
Animals cats and budgie eating from the same plate January 1955
Tee-Pee the penguin is clearly a high-flier. He behaves like a flipping hum beingTee-Pee the penguin is clearly a high-flier
Turkeys on a secret location in Northumberland in the run-up to Christmas in 1975. The exact location was kept a secret in The Journal to avoid alerting criminals
Pierre the drunken Macaw slips over on the bar after one to many beak-fulls of beer. 23rd July 1972
A peacock at Ellingham Hall Hotel in Northumberland